Cert: 18 cert
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: Rosemary gives Paul a small brief kiss.
Violence & Gore: After everyone vanishes, you see a man laying on a table and you hear him struggling to breathe. You assume that everyone vanished during this man's surgery because you can see his chest sliced open and a bunch of tools inside his body but the man is fully conscious. (you see bloody gauze and tools inside his chest but you don't see any gore or inside his chest).
Many people are vaporized on-screen or off-screen
We see a plane crashing into the ground in the distance behind Luke.
Profanity: 9 F-Words (some are said by a 12-year old boy) and a few Sh*ts and Damn, etc.
Name calling (Idiot.)
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking:Most of the movie is placed inside of a bar, where some characters drink.
A 12-year old boy drinks in the bar in one scene.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: The basic plot is very eerie and scary.
There are many jump scenes e.g. in the first 3 or 4 minutes a shadow suddenly jumps out at the screen.
The shadows often make grudging noises.
Many characters are put in very intense peril.
For parents with kids: I cannot recommend an kid's age limitation on the movie, since the language is the only thing that makes this movie R rated, even though there is very limited bad language. I wouldn't recommend a very young child to see it because I would assume it would give him/her nightmares but it really depends on how well your child can handle a scary movie. So parents bring your child at your own judgement.
Story : VANISHING ON 7TH STREET, a terrifying, apocalyptic thriller that taps into one of humankind's most primal anxieties: fear of the dark. An unexplained blackout plunges the city of Detroit into total darkness, and by the time the sun rises, only a few people remain-surrounded by heaps of empty clothing, abandoned cars and lengthening shadows. A small handful of strangers that have survived the night (Hayden Christensen, Thandie Newton, John Leguizamo and newcomer Jacob Latimore) each find their way to a rundown bar, whose gasoline-powered generator and stockpile of food and drink make it the last refuge in a deserted city. With daylight beginning to disappear completely and whispering shadows surrounding the survivors, they soon discover that the enemy is the darkness itself, and only the few remaining light sources can keep them safe. As time begins to run out for them, darkness closes in and they must face the ultimate terror.
Likes : one word dam what a creepy film, i dont think Ive ever seen a more cold chilling shiver down your spine creepy film in my life, if your afraid of the dark like me this will seriously make you think about what's in the dark, i love this story the legend of Croatian where 100 English settlers settled on an island only to disappear with out a trace all that was found was the clothes on the floor, food still on the tables no signs of struggle.
I love the way they done this film on that makes you wonder if this real happened to them. The movie does have some fine creepy moments and the "beings" in the dark even gave me some chills sometimes... but it doesn't mean anything if nothing is answered, it one film that has that psychological effect on your mind to when ever you see a shadow is it really a shadow or is something going to come out at you that is the brilliance of this film as it takes your darkest fears of the dark & throws they in your face.
Dislike : the only thing i didnt like is why i watched this film, the dark scares the hell out of me as it is i wish i never watched it it creeped me out.
Overall : When a massive power outage plunges the city of Detroit into total darkness, a disparate group of individuals find themselves alone. The entire city's population has vanished into thin air, leaving behind heaps of empty clothing, abandoned cars and lengthening shadows. Soon the daylight begins to disappear completely, and as the survivors gather in an abandoned tavern, they realize the darkness is out to get them, and only their rapidly diminishing light sources can keep them safe,this is a good horror film to watch it seriously creeps you out make you wonder what is really in the dark!!!!!!!!!
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars for entertainment, 10 out of 10 for creepness & horror

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