Cert: 18 cert
Story : A horror-thriller centered on a woman living with "face-blindness" after surviving a serial killer's attack. As she lives with her condition, one in which facial features change each time she loses sight of them, the killer closes in. Anna (Jovovich) may be the only survivor of serial killer Tearjerk Jack's horrendous reign, but left with "face blindness," she is completely unable to identify him - or anyone else. Now, with only a loyal detective's (Julian McMahon) face familiar to her, she cannot trust anyone as she struggles to resume her normal life, and, plagued by fear and a vindictive Jack, struggles to survive.
Likes : This film was really good,kept you wondering who the killer was when would he strike, (milla jovovich) who plays anna who has a illness of face blindness cant see who people are because there face changes everytime she looks at them, it was a weird film to watch see there face change as to looked at them but it was a very good film watch.
Dislikes : Just a little slow
Overall: Not a bad horror/thiller film creepy in places,but good to watch a worth watching film
Rating : 5 out 5 stars for entertainment, 8 out of 10 for horror/thriller film theme

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