Cert: 12A
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: USO girls wear skimpy sequined outfits and dance in short skirts. Other women sport blouses that accentuate their breasts. Steve is given a heavy kiss by a female soldier.
After Steve undergoes his transformation, he walks out of the contraption shirtlessobviously impressing Peggy. When a civilian invites a female agent to have some fondue with him, Steve mistakes it as a suggestive, sexual invitation.
But he only has eyes for one womanagent Peggy Carter. He admits to her that he's never danced with a girl before. "I figured I'd wait," he says. And when she asks what he's waiting for, he says, "The right partner." She later favors him with a kiss of her own.
Violence & Gore: Audiences see loads of fisticuffs, firefights and explosionsfar too many to detail here. And unlike some superheroes, Cap doesn't hesitate to kill his enemies.
Schmidt guns down a civilian, spattering bright-red blood. We also see a small exit wound in the man's back. Another unfortunate ends his screen time in the blades of a propeller. (There's a brief blood spray visible.) Folks fall from great heights, and one man is sucked into a weird energy vortex. Another is crushed by part of a building, and we see a bit of blood on his head.
Those are modern-tinged gory scenes in the middle of a movie that otherwise has the vibe of a 1940s serial: The body count is high, but the squirm factor low as scores of characters are simply zapped out of existencewith a bloodless blue poofvia futuristic weapons powered by the cube.
Steve apparently suffers some serious pain while being injected with the serum. A spy bites into a cyanide pill and dies, foaming at the mouth.
Profanity: Jesus' name is abused once; God's a handful of times. "H" pops up about a dozen times, complemented by a few other choice words: "a," "bch," "dn." A Brit interjects "bloody." We don't see it, but it's implied that one of the soldiers makes an obscene gesture, aiming it at Cap.
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking:Two men drink schnapps.
Soldiers drink mugs of beer in a bar.
We see mugs of beer on other tables and bottles of liquor on a back bar.
A bartender says soldiers are drinking a lot but we see no drunken behaviour.
A man sits in the ruins of a bar and drinks with a liquor bottle at his elbow.
Captain America comments on how he can no longer get drunk
Frightening/Intense Scenes: The face of the main villain may be frightening for younger viewers.
The villian kills three men with a gun-ray, we see them screaming and get disintegrated to ashes. This is a fairly disturbing sequence an is very frightening.
A character is placed in a special chamber and injected with chemicals as part of an experiment. As he is subjected to a radiological treatment, he howls in pain, but insists that they continue the process. There is sparking and electricity arcing with the equipment.
The entire sequence where Cap chases the spy across a small town is quite menacing and intense.
Story : Captain America: The First Avenger will focus on the early days of the Marvel Universe when Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) volunteers to participate in an experimental program that turns him into the Super Soldier known as Captain America. As Captain America, Rogers joins forces with Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan) and Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) to wage war on the evil HYDRA organization, led by the villainous Red Skull (Hugo Weaving.
Likes : this was good for action, casting was solded, Hayley Atwell as peggy was just gorgeous in this film & chris evans as captain america suited the role of the famous hero,Hugo Weaving as the red skull was good but it felt like he had to put on the nazi voice to play the role,i liked Dominic Cooper performance as howard stark (tony starks aka iron mans dad) was good, i like the way they set it in the second world world which was good. Captain America: The First Avenger is a relic in its old fashion style but a little messy when it comes to the editing of the action scenes, but it's still enjoyable. Patriotic heroism, full of heart, Chris Evans, and decent production design. Marvel Studios and Joe Johnston really beats the awful 1990s version. The action could have been better but their flaws can be ignored. It's fun enough as a superhero movie.
Dislike : this is a classic marvel mistake, the film was slow to start off with but as soon as it got good it was over i think it should've been longer,the other thing is the end of the film what happen to the red skull because in the original film captain america woke up to fight the red skull again,but this version he just disappeared to another universe,it end with captain america waking up 70 years later in modern times that was it,serious there should of been more to this film.thats what i think lets this film down.
Overall : casting solded,performance's all round sold,a good film to watch but had its floors,good thing tho is when you watch it at the cinema watch to the end credits because it show a sneak preview of the new film the avenger which does look awesome out in may 2012.
Rating: 5 out of 5 star for action, 7.8 out of 10 for entertainment

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