Cert: PG-12A
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: Sam removes his shirt in front of Alan.
At the End Of Line Club, Sam sees a group of security programs with female programs sitting next to them and on their laps. Sensing Sam's apprehension, Gem tells him, "Relax; they're occupied." Though her remark could infer "occupied" in a fairly innocuous sense, the insinuation could also be made that the female programs are prostitutes.
The sirens have curve hugging outfits which could be considered formidable
Violence & Gore: Inside The Grid, "games" consist of video game-like disk-throwing and vehicle-racing competitions that always end with one competitor's death. The vanquished are programs, of course, so in each case their bodies simply "de-rez" into thousands of tiny bits. But Sam is also forced to participate, and during one game, he gets cut: A single drop of blood drips to the floor, proving that he is a human "user" and not a program.
We see several damaged programs that have been partially de-rezed. In one case, a program appears to have a large section of his face missingleaving rough-edged pixelation running down from his eye. The same thing happens to Quorra when a part of her arm is de-rezed.
After parachuting from a building in the real world, Sam ends up landing on a speeding taxi that brakes and sends him tumbling to the ground. He later pulls off his shirt, revealing bruises on his back.
As Clu, who has gone over to the dark side, and his forces chase Sam, Quorra and Flynn, there are a number of flying or driving chase scenes filled with laser flashes, vehicle crashes, explosions and character de-rezes. In an effort to protect Sam, Flynn touches the ground and an emanating power wave draws Clu back to him. He embraces his creation and the two explode
Profanity: Three or four uses of "hell" and one "damn."
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: Sam opens up a beer and offers one to Alan.
At the End of Line Club, it is implied that the programs are drinking computer world equivalents to alcoholic beverages.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: The main disc fight between Sam and Rinzler can be quite intense, as is the light cycle match and the ending sequence when Flynn re-integrates with Clu.
Clu cheats in a race by slitting another program's neck with his light disk. The victim screams, chokes, falls off his lightcycle, and de-rezzes.
Sam jumps off the roof of a skyscraper, which starts out looking like a suicide, but he is shown to have a parachute.
The deresolution sequences can be frightening to some kids.
Story: Kevin flynn (jeff bridges) created a computer generated world the first time he was sucked into the world himself & came across a corrupt world run by a ruthless computer that was killing usings,with the help of tron a computer program he destroyed the evil computer, now 20 years on kevin flynn has a son sam flynn ( garrett hedlund) but after a year kevin flynn disappears for several years now sam flynn a rebal teenage get a message from his dad that he's still alive,
sam follows the clue to a arcade where he was taken in to the computer world of the grid,where he's soon discovers that he fathers clone program clu is running things with an iron fist,he was force to fight in a cycle fight where he meet a beautiful girl quorra (olivia wilde) where she reunites him with he father now together they must fight the way to get back to the real world & stop clu from destroy there world.
Likes : This film is awesome i love the way they have jeff bridges charter looking 20 years younger, this film was always one of my favorites back in the 80's, & olivia wilde playing quorra wow she is one hot woman in this film.
I love the fact they kept the original vehicle in this film like the light cycles & the 80's style flying tanks that was awesome plus the storyline was good because it was a follow on from the original film.It's not highly likely to win many new converts, but for those who already like the original and want to see more of that world, it more than satisfies.
The visuals are a wonderful evolution from Tron and the story of a father and son who have to make up for lost time is very touching. The CGI face they developed for Jeff Bridges is not perfect, but it works very well with just a few exceptions and I feel, for my own tastes, that they have actually bridged the uncanny valley with this one. Still a bit of work to get it perfect, but this one works as it is. Oh, and the score by Daft Punk is beautiful.
Dislikes : The only one thing i had a problem with was you didn't see much of tron in this film when he was supposed to be one of the main characters in this film.
Overall : A well worth we'll film to watch one of the best sci-fi films i've ever seen, if your a sc-fi film fan & haven't seen this film yet i recommend buying this film & watch it.
Rating : 5 out of 5 stars for entertainment, 10 out of 10 for storyline & action.

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