Cert : 15 cert
Story : Theseus is a mortal man chosen by Zeus to lead the fight against the ruthless King Hyperion, who is on a rampage across Greece to obtain a weapon that can destroy humanity. Theseus bent on vengence of the death of his mother by the hands of hyperion must discover his destiny & prove to become the godas champion.
Likes : This film was completely awesome, greek mythology action, blood, gods, titans all rolled into one film what more could you ask for,an all star performance was just spot on theseus who is played by (Henry Cavill) who is the new superman film man of steel bristish actor was fantastic seeing him in this role really shows how much of a fantastic actor he is & being the new superman he will do it justices, (Mickey Rourke) as king Hyperion was just awesome he played such an evil role with no mercy & no feelings because he lost his family & hated the gods for it. (Stephen Dorff) i did realise he was in this film he was playing Stavros a merchant thief he performance was also good,(Luke Evans) as the mighty Zeus was just an amazing performance who also played in the the new three musketeer. (Anne Day-Jones) as Aethra who was Theseus's mother who died at the hands of Hyperion, (Isabel Lucas) who played the god Athena serious kick ass against the titans,the fight scene was just awesomely filmed fast paced slow motion & bloody just awesome.(Kellan Lutz) as Poseidon you don't see him much but when you do he serious kicks ass as well, (Steve Byers) as Heracles you only see him in a few scene but the best scene was the fight with the titans. (Daniel Sharman) as Aries who saved Theseus from king Hyperion men,now that was a bloody scene watching him smash the heads of there shoulders man that was just blood thirsty.(Peter Stebbings) as Helios was good as well.(Freida Pinto) as Phaedra a future seer wow what a beautiful actress Ive seen her in a few over films but she looked good in this film.(John Hurt) as the old man aka Zeus performance was good,but this film just couldn't do anything wrong it was just a fantastic film from the maker of 300 they did a good job making this film.
Dislikes : nothing i can say
Overall: if you love greek mythology,bloody fight scene's,action & good acting this film is one to watch just an awesome film all the way through.
Rating : 5 out of 5 stars for entertainment, 10 out of 10 for storyline & action

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