Cert: 18 cert
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: A man asks for an erotic massage at a massage spa and tells the woman checking him in that he wants it to "end happy."
A man looks at a photograph of a woman and says, "You were so naughty."
A man makes suggestive remarks to a woman that walks in front of him and he admires her clothed buttocks.
A man has numerous suggestive phone conversations with women.
A nude man lies on a massage table (he is covered from the waist to the thighs with a towel) and his bare chest and abdomen are visible.
A woman massages his chest and he tells her to move lower (she does not).
A man receiving a therapeutic massage flinches a few times and we see a heavily shadowed crotch under the towel wrapped around his waist (no genitals are visible).
A woman removes her shirt in order to change and we see her wearing a bra (while standing in a parking lot where other people are gathered).
A woman wears a short, low-cut top that reveals cleavage and her bare abdomen as well as a short skirt that shows her fish net stockings. Women wear low-cut tops in several scenes.
Two women wear low-cut dresses that reveal cleavage.
A woman kisses a man (her boyfriend, who is also her boss) and he makes a suggestive remark about breaking curfew for sex later.
A man and a woman kiss a few times.
A woman asks a man to stay the night with her, he does, and we see her wearing a camisole and PJ pants the next morning (it is not clear if they had sex
Violence & Gore: The Final Destination films are basically known for their bloody, graphic and detailed death scenes. This one is no exception, and is definitely gorier than the rest.
In the premonition:
A bridge collapses
A woman falls off the bridge and is impaled by a pole on a sail boat. (You can see her guts pour out of her body, very graphic)
A man is trapped in a bus that falls off of the bridge; when it hits the water, he is on the windsheild and gets crushed by the impact (No blood)
A woman falls off the railing of the bridge and hits the water safely; a car then falls off the bridge and crushes her (Not graphic)
A man is running and gets impaled/caught by a swinging beam. (Very bloody but very brief)
A man hanging is hanging off the side of the bridge and his flesh gets burned off by burning oil from an oil tank that falls. (Very graphic, you see his flesh) A man that is standing on a railing gets impaled by long metal rods that fall from a truck then go through them, he then falls and hits concrete before hitting the water, he basically splats on the concrete and you see blood. (Very graphic and elaborate)
A man standing on the railing gets sliced in half by a long metal board that falls off a truck.
In real life:
A woman steps on a nail that is on a balance beam in gymnastics, falls off the beam, hits a bowl of chalk, which blows at a girl who flips off of a bar and lands on the floor, with her legs bended back over her own head. Her neck broken, back broken, and legs broken. You can see bone sticking out of her leg and back. (Very graphic)
A man with acupuncture needles in him falls off a massage table on his stomach which shoves the needles deeper inside him. He slowly pulls 2 needles out (bloody) and is in great pain. He then gets up (very bloody) but his cellphone's vibration causes a a candle to fall off a shelf which ignites some spilled alcohol. The fire scares him and he lurches backwards into a wall and falls. A Buddha that is sitting on a shelf then falls and completely crushes his head. Lots Blood flies toward the screen, and you can see lots of brain matter for a split second (very graphic and bloody).
A laser accidentally turns on and slowly burns lines in a woman's retina. She rips the device off herself that is used to keep her eye open and we see it fall to the floor with some blood on it. The laser then burns her hand severely and once she finally gets up, you see her burned eye and her mangled eyelids from when she ripped the device off. She then slips on a stuffed animal eye and falls to her death. She hits a car then hits the ground and her eye pops out, rolls over, then gets ran over by a truck. (Graphic)
A man falls off a runway in a factory. He gets stopped by something and you see blood pour on a spike, you then see that a large hook went through the bottom of his head. The hook then goes straight through the rest of his head. (Very bloody)
A wrench flies through the air spinning then impales a mans face. It hit his head horizontally and you see it hit right where his eyes were. (Very bloody and graphic)
A man gets shot in the back three times. (No blood)
A man stabs a man in the back with three large blades. They go through him. (Some blood)
A woman flies out of the side of a plane then gets sliced in half by the wing. (Bloody)
You see a man getting burned by the fire of an explosion in slow motion. His flesh slowly burns off. (Graphic)
A plane engine crashes through the roof of a bar and crushes a man. You see his bloody arm fly towards the screen then it cuts away. (Bloody and graphic)
In the end credits, you see flashbacks of all the deaths in movies 1-5 of this series. Those are all bloody and graphic
Profanity: About 6 F-words (1 written), 16 scatological terms, 3 anatomical terms, 5 mild obscenities, 3 religious exclamations.
Name-calling (stupid, crazy)
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: Several people drink a bottle of liquor together.
A man drinks a glass of wine in one gulp.
A man and a woman sit at a table with glasses of wine in front of them.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: Some death scenes can be frightening to younger viewers, such as the laser eye surgery and gym scene.
There are a lot of jump scares, such as a man nearly looks like he is gonna lose his hand in a meat grinder. Sometimes people come up behind of people and make them jump.
A man chases people around a kitchen in a slasher sequence fashion.
Rated R for Strong Violent/ Gruesome Accidents and Some Language
A man says how he decided that he would kill someone, and how he almost pushed a girl into traffic, then he takes out a pistol and tries to kill a woman, she hides and her boyfriend fights him and eventually stabs him in the back with a meat roaster
Story : co-workers gathering together for a company retreat. The group includes Sam Lawton, who dreams of an apprenticeship in Paris, his friend Peter, Peter's girlfriend Candice, and her rival Olivia. Along for the trip are Molly Harper, who breaks up with Sam just before the trip, Peter's co-workers Isaac and Nathan, and their boss Dennis.
While on the bus, Sam experiences a vision of a deadly bridge collapse that kills everyone on board. Shortly thereafter, things begin to happen just like in the vision, leading Sam to take Molly and get off the bus. Peter, Candice, Olivia, Nathan, Isaac, and Dennis follow. The bridge collapses as Sam foresaw, but this time he and his friends are spared. now one by one they start to die & time is running out death is coming for them.
Likes : There is just something i like about the final destination film's, each death is different & more nastier than the others spawning this 5Th film was just awesome, i swear every new film of final destination is more nastier than the other especially this one, same story line as the other someone has a premonition of there own death & saved himself from it,but this time i love the fact it was tied in to the first film, the death scene wow just nasty, some sense i had to look away it was that evil.First off, this movie was way,( and I mean), way better then the last two movies were. It was darker and had a lot of elements from the first movie, which I loved. I don't want to give away too much, but I do want to say that the last scene of the movie will leave you speechless. It had me thinking, "OMG, that was AMAZING how they came up with that twist." I recommend you see this movie. It might have the same theme as the first four movies, but unlike the first four, it's on a much higher scale.
Dislikes : the only dislike in this film is the long tile at the start of the film seriously it was as long as the end credits to start the film off.
Overall: if you love the final destination films this is one to watch its more nasty than the others, the death scene are just nothing on the first 3 films there more no messing around it pure vicious gore fest
Rating : 5 out of 5 stars for entertainment, 10 out of 10 for death scenes.

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