Cert: PG--12A
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: A girl appears to lightly kiss a boy's neck and we see a small outline of lipstick on his neck..
A boy tells a girl that he is going to "go to first base" once he gets a driver's license.
On two occasions we see a teenage girl wearing an abdomen exposing top and short shorts (her parents point out that they are inappropriate).
A boy is momentary seen sitting in a bathtub (no nudity is visible, only his shoulders and up are seen.)
A boy says that another boy is a "pussy".
Violence & Gore: The acclaimed train crash scene shows a pickup truck driving headlong into the freight train, and then causes it to derail, explode, and fall apart. The train cars smash into the nearby station, causing more fire and explosions. It is a long scene as Joe and his friends run for cover (none of them are harmed, though one of them pukes).
The driver of the pickup truck is shown with blood streaming down his face and alive (jumpy moment) and points a gun at the kids, threatening them.
When the alien creature invades the town, we see a few people killed/snatched up by it. These scenes show some material destruction, but the actual alien attacking a victim is offscreen. By the end of the movie, we do see it snatch up people a few times
The alien destroys a bus, endangering all of (and killing some) of the people inside. Windows smash as the bus is turned over on its side, and the alien breaks a giant hole into it and attacks the people inside.
The alien causes a man's head to explode. We briefly see gore and brains splatter all over a window. This is the most graphic part of the movie.
The zombie movie made by the kids shows fake deaths, but with alot of fake blood. A character is thrust up against a wall against nails as blood oozes from his head. Another is shot several times in the chest, blood flowing.
Profanity: One use of the "f-word". Several uses of "s--t," "bulls--t," "a--hole," and "bitch" by the middle-school protagonists.
Other words include "p---y," "d--k," "hell," "ass," "damn," "dumbass," "idiot," "stupid," "oh my God," and a few exclamations of "Jesus!" and "God!"
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: A teenage boy is seen smoking a marijuana cigarette and then acting extremely affected after driving under the influence.
A boy remarks that a teenage boy is passed out and "drugs are bad."
A teenage boy offers to sell another boy marijuana (he turns him down).
A man seems inebriated and we see a bottle of liquor in front of him, a man is seen driving and throwing a bottle of liquor into the back seat of the car.
A girl implies to a boy that her father has a drinking problem and that he drinks until he is unable to work.
Throughout the movie we see men and women smoking cigarettes.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: The sight of the alien will very likely be frightening to younger viewers.
The last 30 minutes of the movie are very intense.
A couple of jump scares where the monster appears out of nowhere suddenly.
A train derails after a truck hits it head-on and you see the violent aftermath of the train derailment.
A monster grabs a young store clerk. and he is dragged out of the store and killed. This scene is very intense.
A man inspecting power lines is killed suddenly by the monster.
The monster smashes the side of a bus. This is very sudden and is not expected.
An emotional point in the film comes where the main character copes with his mother's death.
The monster is seen holding a severed leg and making eating sounds.
Overall: 29/50
Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of sci-fi action and violence, language and some drug use
Story : In the summer of 1979, a group of friends in a small Ohio town witness a catastrophic train crash while making a super 8 movie and soon suspect that it was not an accident. Shortly after, unusual disappearances and inexplicable events begin to take place in town, and the local Deputy tries to uncover the truth - something more terrifying than any of them could have imagined.
Likes : this film was OK,a little slow to start with but not to bad,a group of kids trying to make a film when a train crashes with something in side it story line was believable but some what slow.As an homage to the Spielberg films of the 80's, this movie succeeds. As a piece of original entertainment? Nothing happening, folks. Now, if you're a kid and have never seen The Goonies, Jaws, ET, War of the Worlds, and Cloverfield, you may think this film is absolutely wonderful. And judged through the lens of cinema history, it may well be looked upon as a culmination of all that came before.The film is about a town mystery looked through the eyes of children. From the early part of the movie, you feel like something powerful and dangerous is lurking around and is going to jump out on you at any moment. Ever-multiplying questions tease your brain and a suspense is building up at the back of your mind right up to the end of the story.
The acting was very convincing and drawing although the movie suffers from its mediocre ending. A few times I felt that the logic and the flow of the plot were a bit unrealistic and artificial. I wish that the story was focused more on the mystery and the children's reactions without all the insignificant distractions and one-dimensional minor characters. From special effects and sounding perspective, I'd say it was stunning. One of the best I have seen in the genre in years as you would expect when you see Spielberg's name on the screen. There's this big scene at the first half an hour into the movie where you just get nailed to your sit due to the load sound which should have been annoying but it was not. It was awesome. You don't see this in Germany often but after this specific scene, the audience gave Abram an standing ovation!!! It was awesome. Of course at the end, everyone was angry because he ruined the whole thing with a very cheesy "et-like" ending but all in all it was worth the money, better than most of the movies in the last 6 months, I would say.
Dislikes : the whole alien film is been done to death,it felt like a e.t wannabe film, it was to slow in places
Overall: this film was OK to watch but its a DVD release more than a cinema release,but not a bad film to watch.
Rating : 3 out of 5 entertainment, 5 out of 10 for storyline

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