Cert: 15 cert
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: A woman sits on the lap of a man driving a car and they kiss passionately.
A man and a woman kiss passionately.
A woman runs her hands down a man's neck and face and they kiss.
A woman takes off a towel covering her bikini, we see her bare torso, back and cleavage as she approaches a man, and the man places her on his lap and puts his hand on her behind as another man watches.
Several women dressed in low-cut, short dresses dance suggestively in front of men.
We see women wearing very short dresses, skirts and shorts (two women's skirts show a portion of bare buttocks), low-cut, cleavage exposing tops, bikinis and shirts.
We see men and women on the beach, with women wearing bikinis and men in swimming trunks.
Several people break into a building where women are standing in their bras and underwear (in a non-sexual fashion); we see cleavage and bare torsos.
A man jokes with a woman about another man putting his hand on the woman's behind or possibly smacking her behind.
A man makes a crude sexual remark about a woman opening up her legs; the woman turns him down.
A woman suggestively remarks to a man that she thought he had contacted her for "something else."
A man jokes with another man and a woman, who reveals that the woman is pregnant and the man had squeezed her behind.
A man makes two sexual remarks about a safe as though it were a woman.
Violence & Gore: During a chaotic high speed chase, two men drive two cars chained to a massive safe, dragging the safe through busy streets: it swings into parked cars, destroys concrete fences, causes men and women to dive for safety as it swings through a crowded street and bank, police cars give chase while firing guns and driving up on sidewalks (we hear two women scream and dive for safety), the swinging safe smashes two police cars, two other police cars drive into other police cars, causing them to crash and drive on top of one another, one police car flips three times and lands upside down, and one man drives the safe onto a bridge followed by police, and then drives head on into multiple police cars, which flip off the bridge and smash into pieces; the man drives his car onto the top of another car, the driver of the second car gets out and is shot in the chest (no blood is visible), we see the passenger of the car, with a small amount of blood on his face and shirt, beg for his life and a man walks past and fires two shots in his chest, presumably killing him.
Three men and a woman are handcuffed and driven in an armored SUV with another SUV leading, a man on a rooftop fires a missile at the lead SUV, it explodes, swerves out of control, flips over and lands on its roof while small flames shoot out from the bottom; the second SUV swerves, we see the men and women in it shake as it hits a parked car, a man in the armored SUV begins firing at other men who are firing machine guns, he attempts to help a man hanging out of the crashed SUV (no blood is visible), he is knocked to the ground by the force of a missile hitting the ground in front of him and he watches as gunmen shoot two men and throw two grenades (the crashed SUV explodes, there's more gunfire and we see multiple bodies hit the ground).
A man points a gun in another man's face, the man pushes the gun into the air and we hear a shot fired: the two men shove and punch one another as a third man joins the fight, the man chokes one of the men with a crow bar and holds his head out of a large hole in the side of a train car, and the man shoves the other man out of the hole and we see his body crushed as it hits a fence (no blood is visible).
Two men and a woman run from federal agents and gunmen, the gunmen open fire on one of the men and the woman, the agents approach the gunmen from behind and fire at them, they fall to the ground and we see small, bloody splotches on the men's shirts.
Several men fire guns at federal agents and one of the agents is cornered by men on rooftops that open fire; he is unharmed but we see other agents fall to the ground after being hit by gunfire.
A man grabs the gun of another man and uses it to shoot two men, who fall to the ground, presumably dead.
Two federal agents walk into a train car, a man pops up behind them and fires his gun, we see the agents fall to the ground (no blood is visible), and another man punches the gunman and jumps to safety from the train.
Federal agents kick through a door as two men and a woman climb out of the window of a building; the federal agents follow them and one of the men races over rooftops, jumping from building to building and the agent jumps through a window to follow the man.
A man and a woman leap from the roof of a building through the roof of another building while being chased by a group of gunmen; they escape unharmed.
Federal agents approach a building, gunmen surround them, and the agents pull out machine guns and the gunmen drop their guns.
Police officers open fire on an armored SUV being driven by a man, followed by two cars.
A man holds onto the roof of a truck as it crashes into a train car, the truck is leaking gasoline and begins to smoke, the man leaps onto a car driving next to the train, narrowly escaping, as the truck and train car hit a bridge and explode (the man is unharmed).
A man leaps from a moving train car and onto a truck, he punches the driver of the truck, the driver grabs a blow torch, and pins the man against the hood of the truck as it continues driving next to a train; the man steers the truck into a train car, and we see the driver hanging from the open door of the truck, presumably dead (no blood is visible).
Two men in a car drive along side a train as it explodes and the two men drive off a cliff and fall into water below; they surface moments later, unharmed but surrounded by men with guns.
A man slams a paperweight into the head of another man (there's a small amount of dried blood beneath his nose); the man falls to the ground, presumably dead (no blood is visible).
Two men fight, throwing one another against walls, cars, wire doors, and pinning one another against the floor and walls: one of the men (a small cut on his face is bleeding) pins the other man to the ground, and lifts a wrench over his head, about to strike him as other people watch and a woman cries for the man to stop; we hear a crushing sound as the man slams down the wrench but see the other man unharmed and a broken wrench next to his face.
Two men, with their hands chained over their heads, are threatened by another man; one of the chained-up men kicks the man and grabs him with his legs, and the other man swings around and knocks another man to the ground (we later see the two men escape unharmed).
A man kicks his way through a door where another man is standing; he kicks the man to the ground and other men enter behind him, knocking two men in the face with guns (we later see one with blood coming from his nose) as they shout.
A federal agent punches two men repeatedly and they fall to the ground.
A woman punches a man in the face, he recoils and we see a small trickle of blood from his mouth.
A woman reaches for a gun and a man grabs her hand and slams her against a wall (the woman is unharmed).
A man lunges at another man, his fist pulled back to punch him, and another man gets between the two men and separates them.
A man grabs a man's arm, and the man shoves him away and he pulls back.
A man slams another man against a wall, and he shouts in the man's face and slams his hands on the wall next to the man's face.
A man grabs a woman and carries her away to safety as four men look for her, their guns drawn.
A man encounters the site of a shootout and we see him standing in the middle of multiple dead bodies on the ground and a small amount of blood is visible on one man's head.
A man grabs his side and winces in pain, and we see blood pouring out of a wound in his stomach and covering his hands.
A man pulls a sheet over a man's head as his dead body is laid out on a gurney.
Three cars race down a road, two of them flank a bus filled with prisoners and one gets in front of the bus; one of the cars cuts off the bus, causing it to swerve and flip over multiple times, and we see the crushed bus, on its side, on the ground as we hear reporters announce that there were no fatalities and one prisoner had escaped.
A truck races through the desert following a train, driving recklessly with four men standing in the bed of the truck; the men in the back of the truck use blow torches to burn through the train car, the metal panel of the train car flies off and two men duck to avoid being hit.
A federal agent tells a man to put his hands behind his head as other agents surround the man with their guns drawn; many other men and women surround the agents and pull out various handguns and automatic weapons, and the agents drop their guns and walk away.
Several men aim guns at several other men and women kneeling on the ground.
Armed men surround a man and a woman, we hear guns being cocked and the man and woman begin to back away as another man comes out and waves down all of the men holding guns.
A woman listens to a radio report about two men and a woman being considered "armed and dangerous" after killing two federal agents.
A man tells another man that two men and a woman must be stopped because they had killed 16 of his men.
A woman tells another man that her husband had been murdered in the street.
A man refers to a deceased man as having died for another man and that a plan was a "suicide mission."
Throughout the movie we hear men and women discussing how they are going to be stealing cars and other property.
Two men and a woman discuss plans to punch through walls as part of a heist, saying that they will need weapons to back them up.
A woman tells a man that another woman had been arrested for stealing cars.
A man tells two men a story of how a country had attempted to take over another country and men were killed by the natives.
A man tells another man that he does not remember his father yelling at him, because his father was never around.
A woman purposefully knocks into a man as another man picks his pockets.
Men climb over a fence, break into a police parking lot and steal four police cars.
A woman holds her hand up to her mouth and we later see her flushing a toilet and rinsing out her mouth; it is implied she vomited (we do not hear or see signs of vomiting).
A man enters a bathroom and moments later an explosion goes off inside a toilet pipe, feces and urine fly through the air, and the man races out of the bathroom stall, pulling up his pants, soaking wet but unharmed; we see feces and urine on the walls, ceiling and floor, as two men enter the room to clean it and one remarks on the smell, covering his nose.
Two men unhook a pipe and we see feces and urine pouring from it.
Profanity: At least 1 F-word, 4 sexual references, 20 scatological terms, 14 anatomical terms (3 mild), 18 mild obscenities, exclamations (shut up), 5 religious profanities and 4 religious exclamations.
Name-calling (circus clowns, Martin Luther King, Rick James, stupid, crazy, loco, special [meaning mentally handicapped], kook, Wyatt Earp, blood bullets and wrath of God kind of guy, wannabe and half-breed.)
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking:A man jokes that he will buy a lifetime supply of antidepressants.
Men and women discuss in passing how a man is the leader of a drug cartel.
Men drink beers and liquor throughout the movie.
A man pours liquor and toasts with two men.
A woman turns down a drink because she is pregnant.
A woman tells a man that she knows he used to smoke two packs of cigarettes a day.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: The street RPG attack scene is quite lengthy and violent.
A character is shown being blown up by grenades, a character has many gangsters running toward him but is later saved.
The scene where Vinceis talking with Dom after getting shot is quite emotional.
There are lots of car crashes near the end.
There are innumerable killings in the film, though none are insanely graphic or uncomfortably lengthy.
Story: Since Brian and Mia Toretto (Brewster) broke Dom out of custody, they’ve blown across many borders to elude authorities. Now backed into a corner in Rio de Janeiro, they must pull one last job in order to gain their freedom. As they assemble their elite team of top racers, the unlikely allies know their only shot of getting out for good means confronting the corrupt businessman who wants them dead. But he’s not the only one on their tail. Hard-nosed federal agent Luke Hobbs (Johnson) never misses his target. When he is assigned to track down Dom and Brian, he and his strike team launch an all-out assault to capture them. But as his men tear through Brazil, Hobbs learns he can’t separate the good guys from the bad. Now, he must rely on his instincts to corner his prey…before someone else runs them down first.
Likes : i loved this film from start to finish,i think that the third & fouth one kind of ruined the films a little but this one i thin brought it back for me,i loved the fight sence bewtween johnson & vin it was like to titan fighting each other both big guys it was awesome,i loved the story line instead of going against the law they done some thing the law couldnt do take down a drug lord awesome.i love the way they brough everyone from the other fast & furious films in to this one film,i swear everytime you see the rock dwanye johnson he looks bigger he was built like a brick sh*t house i would mess with the guy.the girls in this film wow so hot.Vin Diesel and Paul Walker lead a reunion of returning all-stars from every chapter of the explosive franchise built on speed in FAST FIVE. In this installment, former cop Brian O’Conner partners with ex-con Dom Toretto on the opposite side of the law. Dwayne Johnson joins returning favorites Jordana Brewster, Chris “Ludacris” Bridges, Tyrese Gibson, Sung Kang, Gal Gadot, Matt Schulze, Tego Calderon and Don Omar for this ultimate high-stakes race.a worth watching film a must to watch
Dislikes : there nothing i could say about the film it was a good film
Overall : Fast cars beautiful woman, fast action, worth watching
Rating : 5 out of 5 stars for entertainment, 10 out of 10 for action & stunt scene

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