Cert: 15 cert
Story : 1875. New Mexico Territory. A stranger (Craig) with no memory of his past stumbles into the hard desert town of Absolution. What he discovers is that the people of Absolution don't welcome strangers, and nobody makes a move on its streets unless ordered to do so by the iron-fisted Colonel Dolarhyde (Ford). It's a town that lives in fear. But Absolution is about to experience fear it can scarcely comprehend as the desolate city is attacked by marauders from the sky. Now, the stranger they rejected is their only hope for salvation. As this gunslinger slowly starts to remember who he is and where he's been, he realizes he holds a secret that could give the town a fighting chance against the alien force
Likes : This Film wasnt to bad,(Daniel Craig) who plays Jake Lonergan wakes up in the middle of no where dosent know where is or what is name is & has a strange metal devise on his rist,but that just the start of he's problem,you later reliese that there alien force looking for gold but will destroy everything to get it, (Olivia Wilde) goregous as ever plays Ella Swenson who you find hold a secret thats she been hinding,(Harrison Ford) one of the most decarated actor ive seen plays Colonel Dolarhyde, Wood an old colonel of the war who lead a band of men that are not that good to people,(Abigail Spencer) (cameo) who plays alice jake's wife, (Ana de la Reguera) play's Maria the doc wife,(Sam Rockwell) who plays the doc seen him in a few other films not a bad actor,i like the way they all banded together to take down the aliens. The special effect were good it wasnt a bad film all round to watch.
Dislikes : Its the whole Alien & Cowboy thing for me even tho i wasnt a bad film to watch i find that weston & sc-fi dont mix well that much i give a for effort for trying something new but i thing if your going to mix themes you have to be smart about it because it mite not work.
Overall: If you love aliens & westons this film is for you,not bad for entertainment but not a amazing film,it not for all it depends on your taste of films really,but worth watch for entertainment.
Rating : 4 out of 5 stars for entertainment, 6 out of 10 for sc-fi/westen theme mix

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