Cert : U Cert
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: A wizard points magic extract at a woman from a ring and changes her into a younger woman with larger breasts (we see cleavage), darker hair and flatter buttocks; this new woman faints at her image in a mirror. PG
Three scenes feature a well-endowed woman wearing a low-cut dress that reveals significant cleavage. G/PG
An animated character stands on an air grate in an apartment and says the wind feels good on his giblets (implying testicles) and his enchanted forest (implying pubic hair); we see that he is wearing long pants under a kilt. G/PG
Violence & Gore: A wizard tosses a cat through a magic wall and asks if he is dead; the cat hisses, runs into the back of a stopped taxi, hits the street and gets up unharmed. G/PG
A bus hits a wizard and a cat asks if he is dead; the wizard's nose and one cheek are red, but he is otherwise unharmed. G/PG
A wizard is tasered by police into convulsions and is taken to jail. G/PG
A log swinging on ropes strikes a wizard; his face is reddened, but he is unhurt. PG
Smurfs kick and tie up a man, but let him go after one threatens to make haggis out of his innards. PG
Profanity: The Smurfs use the word "smurf" in place of what could easily be imagined to be offensive words, like "Oh, my smurf!" or "You smurfed with the wrong girl." G
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking:At a party, a dinner, and a reception, men and women sip alcohol, wine and champagne. PG
Frightening/Intense ScenesOne sequence in which Gargamel finds Smurf Village might frighten very young children, since Gargamel destroys many of their homes and winds up driving them off into the enchanted forest. PG/PG-13
The image of Gargamel may frighten young children PG
Story : The Smurfs make their first 3D trip to the big screen in Columbia Pictures'/Sony Pictures Animation's hybrid live-action and animated family comedy, The Smurfs. When the evil wizard Gargamel chases the Smurfs out of their village, they're forced through a portal, out of their world and into ours, landing in the middle of New York's Central Park. Just three apples high and stuck in the Big Apple, the Smurfs must find a way to get back to their village before Gargamel tracks them down
Likes : i love this film,it an old child classic cartoon of mine,it makes you laugh but its surprising heart warming at the same time, i'm very surprised that its was the one & only( Katy perry) that done the voice of Smurfette the blue girl smurf with blonde hair, (Jonathan Winters) voice as papa smurf,i love that fact of they put the adult humour in it as well, its just such a funny film.The movie includes some emotional subplots with Papa Smurf and Patrick, who feels he is unready to start his own family; though it all becomes pretty unnecessary in the face of the Smurfs' main goal to return home. Humor, again, mainly appeals to the kids, sporting sight gag after sight gag, but every once in a while there's a clever reference thrown in for the older folks in the audience.
Hank Azaria gives about the most cartoonish performance as any villain could, resulting in an upsetting mix of interest and annoyance. On the other hand, where it is used the CGI is incredibly high-quality (i.e. the Smurfs, Gargamel's cat, etc.), and the special effects are designed more specifically for 3-D viewing than in most movies as of late.
The Smurfs is mildly entertaining, at its best, but it is written with the right spirit and is in no way an injustice against the original series. It offers a nostalgic throwback (with a modern twist) for the adults and an amusing show for the little ones. For the ones in between, I advise avoiding this movie.
Dislikes : there was nothing wrong with this film
Overall: This is one to watch with your kids or with mates,it an around family film with laughs that will have you laughing hard.i recommend watching this film.
Rating : 5 out of 5 for cgi animation, 8 out of 10 for storyline

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