Cert: 15+ cert
Story: Siblings Addison (Eric Bana) and Liza (Olivia Wilde) are on the run from a casino heist gone wrong. When a car accident leaves their wheel man and a state trooper dead, they split up and make a run for the Canadian border in the worst of circumstances - a near whiteout blizzard. While Addison heads cross-country, creating mayhem in his wake, Liza is picked up by ex-boxer Jay (Charlie Hunnam), en-route for a Thanksgiving homecoming with his parents, June (Sissy Spacek) and retired sheriff Chet (Kris Kristofferson). It's there the siblings are reunited in a terse and thrilling showdown that pushes the bonds of family to the limit
Likes : This film start off reseasonly good sets the character of pretty well & the story plot which was like a bonnie & Clyde feel to it.Eric Bana plays the brother Addison who character seem to have a itchy trigger finger that will kill anyone that gets in he's way,Eric Bana performance as a psychopath person was good he seem to pull off the character quiet well.The beautiful Olivia Wilde play he's sister Liza, her character seem to have a dark past with her father abuse which Addison put a stop to in the end & turned them both to a life of crime,but she seem to what to break the bond & have a peaceful life when she meets jay played by Charlie Hunnam (star of son of anarchy) a former heavy weight boxer who was jail for fixing a fight who got realised but gets caught up in the whole mess,he's character also seem to have a conflict between he father Chet played by Kris Kristofferson a former sheriff who likes to hunt in he spare time playing he wife June played by Sissy Spacek her character seem to be the piece keeper in the family,which show a very strong character.The beautiful Kate Mara plays the sheriff's daughter Hanna who is a duty of the police unit who loves her father but hate being put down because she a girl & the only woman in the unit, her character seem strong in character & has fond memories of jay when they were younger.Treat Williams (cameo) plays hannas father Sheff Becker who love he's daughter & dosent want her to get hurt i think its why you see him treat her different in this film to the other guys in the unit. Along with its fight scene & chase this film waste to bad to watch which comes to a bloody end.
Dislike: The fact it was a little slow the plot was good but it was over before it started, for what this film was it could of been a little better done. It was to short for a crime thriller.
Overall : Not a bad film to watch,a little slow & short but it a worth watching film for an afternoon film.
Rating: 3 out of 5 for plot-line & pace / 6 out of 10 for entertainment