I'm writing because all I've seen is hater's pull this film down & complain about a film they haven't even seen or refuse to watch because it wasn't film the way they wanted it. Well boo hoo, we can't have everything in life our way all the time its called life.
All I've heard it wasn't inspirational or emotional it sucks or it was the worst film ever. SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!! I will give you several reason why this superman was the best superman film & why this film worked as a whole to put the record straight from all the people complaining.

Concept behind man of steel
people say that the city was destroy & a lot of people got killed & that is one of the reason why it was over the top.....really think about that, you have two super power being fighting each other one hell bent on destruction & other trying his best to save the people there will be collateral damage no matter how you look at it.
You cant just throw a person like superman through a build & the wall still be standing that is completely stupid in even thinking it would be standing in a cartoon you can get away with that in a live action film no. The other thing as well which people are complaining about is the mass of people that died, if you think about it & look at the character of Zod his nature, he was hell bent on destroying earth & recreating new krypton on earth meaning he would of destroyed the city's anyway but I guess people complaining don't see that because there to busy whining, which was clear portrayed in this scene with the skull's which was a very powerful imagine of destruction that Zod would unleash.

Zack Snyder filmed it this way for a reason & this is what he said :
" I wanted the movie to have a mythological feeling. In ancient mythology, mass deaths are used to symbolize disasters. In other countries like Greece and Japan, myths were recounted through the generations, partly to answer unanswerable questions about death and violence. In America, we don’t have that legacy of ancient mythology. Superman (who first appeared in ‘Action Comics’ in 1938) is probably the closest we get. It’s a way of recounting the myth"
This I agree with because America's don't really understand ancient mythology like the rest of the world dose because most of Europe is steeped in ancient mythology history most of it has been in disasters or destruction. This Ancient mythology brings me to a point as to why you see the krypton's looking medieval in their armour & their culture as being medieval in there council.

The emotional side of the film
People say there was no emotional contain in this film....again seriously!!!!!!! Let me direct you to the begin of the film the scene with Jor'l & Lara giving birth to kal'el, that one scene with the way the music was is one of the several emotional moment in this film.
Look at it from their point of view as loving parents given birth to the first human child in there culture but their planet is about to blow up & their having to sending there son 50 million light years across space to save his life to a world that will never fully accept him for who is because to us it would be alien.
This is where Lara says quote "he'll be an out cast they will kill him"
but you hear jor'l say "how??? he will be a god to them"
these words alone have power behind them which Russell Crowe & Ayelet Zurer performed brilliant & showed real emotion as parents to bring a believable moment.
Not only that they will ever see their son grow up to be the hero he is to become or get to hold him again that is enough pain for any parents to go through in there last hours that is the powerful emotions behind that scene it the way Zack Snyder was putting across.

The other scene in this film Clark as a young teenage when he save the kids in the bus, the one scene with him talking to his earth father with him say "you have to keep that side of you secret"
Clark saying "what was I supposed to do let them die"
Jonathan Kent saying "maybe"
It was that one scene he told him the truth of that he wasn't from earth & that he wasn't from any galaxy near him & that he had powers beyond any one could possibly have, it that moment when Clark said "can I just carry on being you son" Jonathan saying "you will always be my son" is one of those scenes that breaks your heart because you can feel the pain & conflict in Clark's heart knowing that he's not human.

The other scene with the tornado people saying the scene doesn't make sense, Clark has super powers he could of easily saved his father, well this is what this scene is portraying.

One of the most defining moments in cinema history are when you get a powerful tragic scene in the movie & this scene was one of the greatest. This scene from man of steel was the defining moment of the film when Clark is faced with saving ...his father & revealing his identity but his father say no.
It that moment that show why Henry Cavil & Kevin Costner was the brilliant choice to be casted for these role.
Henry as Clark/superman seriously showed real emotion in that scene having to see someone he cares about tell him to let him go & sacrifice himself to hide his identity, with that last smile & a slight nod of the head from Jonathan Kent he was saying that he was proud to be his father because he raise a hero but also gave him a message that not everyone can be saved, that showed brilliantly from Kevin Costner on the screen.
It that moment that show why Henry Cavil & Kevin Costner was the brilliant choice to be casted for these role.
Henry as Clark/superman seriously showed real emotion in that scene having to see someone he cares about tell him to let him go & sacrifice himself to hide his identity, with that last smile & a slight nod of the head from Jonathan Kent he was saying that he was proud to be his father because he raise a hero but also gave him a message that not everyone can be saved, that showed brilliantly from Kevin Costner on the screen.
That is one of the most powerful messages in man of steel, Gives the message just because you have the power to save people doesn't mean you can save everyone because its impossible.

Background story as to why the planet blow up explain by the computer imagine of jor'l.
Now this was brilliant told has they have never really explain why the planet was destroyed in the first place it was only told as the sun exploded for no reason.
Now in man of steel what was brilliant about this one scene is the fact it went in to detail on how & why the planet was destroyed. Which also showed what type of culture they are as a people & in there own superior arrogance they cause there own undoing which bring a better storyline to a film & give the bases of the story to why kal'el was sent to earth.

Soldier scene.
Now this scene was brilliant in the film because Colonel Nathan Hardy played brilliantly by Christopher Meloni really show that not all hero's have super power's, which represents our military force in the right way in the film which was amazingly done. Because a soldier will lay down his life in order to save the world this scene perfectly represented that, Zack Snyder putting that across in this film it was nothing short of brilliance's to represent that.
Micheal Shannon as Zod.
Now you serious couldn't get a better actor to play Zod, Micheal brought a convincing ruthless cold character to Zod that what makes Micheal Shannon brilliant as an actor & the best choice by far.
It the way he hold himself as the character that give him this edge specially with the way he say "do you think you son is safe" then shouts "I will find him!!!!" you could seriously feel the conviction behind those word's which made this scene brilliant & convincing nature of Zod.
Henry Cavil as superman.
Now I swear most people are complaining about the film because its not American playing the role & its someone British.
Well I have one thing really to say to this, British actor's don't over act like some American actors do, the reason why Henry fit this role perfect is because of the man him self. Henry didn't have a ticket to get in to Hollywood film's just like that it was an uphill struggle, with money problem having to travel back & forth trying to get auditions.
He was given advise from Russell him self years ago when he was trying to make it big in Hollywood trying to get a role, Russel advise was "every mile takes a thousand steps" that stuck with him, so when Henry did make it big he was humbled by the fact its wasn't easy to get into the business & the struggle side of things.
But having a military family background as well is why Henry was the prefect choice for superman, he brought the character of superman the right way & really showed a humble nature on screen which was a brilliant performance which gave us a believable superman character that is like the comic books.
The fact that some people say they couldn't relate to the character of superman in this film well you mite want to look at yourselves if that's the case because to relate to a character like superman you have to be pure of heart, Loyal, trustworthy, humble, loving, caring & above all respectful of other to truly relate to a character of superman. If you haven't got those quality sorry to say but you will never relate to the character of superman, that is truth & fact from a pyshcology respective.
Amy Adams as Lois lane
Ive seen a few people say why did they pick Amy Adams to play this role? , why not she is a talented actress & she really did pull this role off & she looks beautiful in this film as Lois lane.Now this scene was brilliant in the film because Colonel Nathan Hardy played brilliantly by Christopher Meloni really show that not all hero's have super power's, which represents our military force in the right way in the film which was amazingly done. Because a soldier will lay down his life in order to save the world this scene perfectly represented that, Zack Snyder putting that across in this film it was nothing short of brilliance's to represent that.

Micheal Shannon as Zod.
Now you serious couldn't get a better actor to play Zod, Micheal brought a convincing ruthless cold character to Zod that what makes Micheal Shannon brilliant as an actor & the best choice by far.
It the way he hold himself as the character that give him this edge specially with the way he say "do you think you son is safe" then shouts "I will find him!!!!" you could seriously feel the conviction behind those word's which made this scene brilliant & convincing nature of Zod.

Henry Cavil as superman.
Now I swear most people are complaining about the film because its not American playing the role & its someone British.
Well I have one thing really to say to this, British actor's don't over act like some American actors do, the reason why Henry fit this role perfect is because of the man him self. Henry didn't have a ticket to get in to Hollywood film's just like that it was an uphill struggle, with money problem having to travel back & forth trying to get auditions.
He was given advise from Russell him self years ago when he was trying to make it big in Hollywood trying to get a role, Russel advise was "every mile takes a thousand steps" that stuck with him, so when Henry did make it big he was humbled by the fact its wasn't easy to get into the business & the struggle side of things.
But having a military family background as well is why Henry was the prefect choice for superman, he brought the character of superman the right way & really showed a humble nature on screen which was a brilliant performance which gave us a believable superman character that is like the comic books.
The fact that some people say they couldn't relate to the character of superman in this film well you mite want to look at yourselves if that's the case because to relate to a character like superman you have to be pure of heart, Loyal, trustworthy, humble, loving, caring & above all respectful of other to truly relate to a character of superman. If you haven't got those quality sorry to say but you will never relate to the character of superman, that is truth & fact from a pyshcology respective.

Amy Adams as Lois lane
She does bring a real reporter role to this character as you see she spent years trying to find who kal'el is from all the people he's saved.
Hence the reason why in the film you heard her say these words which set the tone of superman story from the being; " How do you find someone that spent a life time cover his tracks, to some he was a guardian angel, for other a ghost who never quiet fitted in"
That is what make Amy Adam's prefect as Lois lane. A lot of critics said there wasn't any romance with her character but come on this was only the begin of the story of course there is going to be romance because she still a little wary of him because of what he can do.

Superman give up to the government
If you look at it this way superman could easy destroy them in one hit & take over the world easy but that not what superman is about.
He was brought up to see the right from wrong, he was taught that because of his powers he can easy kill someone this is why in curtain scene in this film you can see he took great restraint not to hit that bully as a young kid & with the diner scene not to punch that guy through the wall but instead destroyed his truck which was funny.
these scene showed that superman growing up had been tough to hold he's anger against a human & made a vow never to take a human life. Him giving up to the government showed that he wasn't a threat to them even tho they were still wary of him because of what he can do, which later they realise his not the enemy, showed a brilliant concept in the film its self because this is the way we would be if this happened for real, we would be wary of someone that can easy destroy the planet ,Zack Snyder was brilliant in showing that in the film.

Superman shell not Kill
Now all I've heard from comment is how could they put a scene that superman killed someone that completely ruin's his character as a whole.
Well this is where these people are wrong because superman nature & the way he is wont kill a human life but he will kill an alien life form that threats the earth & people safety.
There are a few others I believe in the comic book world he killed for the greater good, its the whole concept that Zack Snyder put in this film knowing when to save a life but knowing when to take a life for the greater good.
The scene with Zod was bound to happen because Zod pushed him to kill him, because it was Ive him or the family Zod was going to vaporise. This is why Superman had no choice but to kill zod because even tho you could see the pain of having to kill one of his own people which serious showed emotion in that scene, which Henry done brilliantly, he had no other choice to do it because Zod would of carried on destroy everything kal'el has called home for the past 30 years.
The inspirational side of the film
Some people are saying there is no inspiration in the film, which clearly is not being seen, the inspiration come from the character of superman going through a lot of unanswered question in he life struggling to over come bullying & rejection, the conflict in he's mind, having all these power but seeing what the world would do if they found out he had these powers at a young age.
The inspiration comes from he earth father teaching him to learn the way's to be more human to learn their weakness's & strength's what it is to be human.
also It the one scene in this film that stands out the most for inspiration the fact he when to see the priest when Zod threat the earth they have 24 hours to give him up, that showed a more human side to kal'el that he sort the guidance of someone of the church. It was what the priest tell him that was inspirational, it that guidance that gives him the strength to step out of the shadows into the light & become what the world needs a hero that is the inspirational side in this film that people cant see.

This whole thing about the destruction of the city & people being killed by the city being destroy was need to be in the film for a realistic feel because that's is what will happen because is collateral damage & one other reason, that reason is because it gives way for the batman vs superman storyline.
Its a reason for batman to investigate superman which conflict between them will happen because they both think there enemy's of earth but as we all know become friends in the end when they realise there not a threat & working on the same side but where the story line will go in the sequel we'll have to wait.
Even tho I'm not sure about Ben Afleck playing batman because I cant really see him as batman, I'm willing to give it a chance because it could be a good film if they write he storyline right for his character & get a brilliant actor to play lex luthor which personally should be mark strong & not Byan Cranston.
The reason why I believe this is because seeing Byan Cranston play the bad guy in total recal remake he wasn't that great of a villain to be honest he dosen't have the on screen presence as a villain like mark strong dose, this is why I believe Mark Strong should be Lex Luthor for the man of steel sequel.
I truly hope Zack Synder picks him because if Byan Cranston get pick to do luthor & ben afleck fails as batman, Henry carvil brilliant as he is mite not be enough to save the film because he will be carry the film the whole way through.
these are the reason why this film wasn't ruined like most people say it was or it sucked because if you see it from this point of view your see that this film was brilliantly made & is the best superman film to date. But lets hope this sequel dosen't fail because we need a superman trilogy which it deserves.
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