Genre: Animation Action Fantasy, warning this is an adult animation, this film dose contain strong bloody violence throughout, nudity and some sexual content
Cert: 18 cert only (R rated)
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: you see a woman's clothes torn to pieces and you see her boob hanging out it is very clear. There is a scene you see a male and female in a field nude. You see a giant female topless battling Dante it is also very clear. You can see people nude in hell but a lot of them are burnt up or covered by fire.
Violence & Gore: Most of the movie is gore you see a lot of people being torn to shreds. When Dante gets back you see a lot of the family ripped to shreds. you see Beatrice catch fire and burn up.
Profanity: Theres a lot of uses of damn and hell.
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking:You see some people drinking beer and wine.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: The movie has a lot of people dead and demons so it might be frightening to young viewers but it is just animated.
Story: After fighting in the Crusades for three years, Dante rides back home to his family estate to reunite with his beloved Beatrice and his father. Dante sees a rider following him, but out of the blue, the man vanishes without trace. When he arrives home, he sees the servants slaughtered, his father murdered and Beatrice near death. When her soul is going to the heaven, Lucifer takes Beatrice to Hell, telling her that Dante has betrayed her. Dante meets Virgil who guides him to Hell, and the poet explains that Beatrice had a bet with Lucifer that Dante would be faithful to her while in the holy war. In return, Lucifer would protect Dante and bring him back home safe and sound. Upon arrival in Hell, Dante learns that he needs to cross nine circles to reach Lucifer ad on his painful journey, he discovers who doomed his family to suffer in Hell.
Likes : This story is amazing, i've read the book & played the game, now watched the film of this epic horror adventure of one man's journey to save his loved ones soul after he curse her by his own hands in the crusade wars. This story take you into the very depth of hell itself as he must face off 10 levels of hell minion to recuse her soul from the devil & redeem himself of his own sin's.
Date fable tell of hell being a place scribe as being a place for everyone for every sin there is a special place you go in hell:
heaven - Ante-hell
Earth - Neutrals
Level 1: Limbo = The unlighted, the wilfully ignorant
Level 2: Lust = carnal malefactors, the terminally repressed
Level 3: Gluttony = The self-indulgent & overfed, competitive eaters
Level 4: Greed = The miserly & avaricious
Level 5: Anger = The wrathful & sullen
STYX (The wall of dis)
Level 6: Heresy = Impious & toxic souls
Level 7: Violence/Despair = Warmongers & destroyers, murderers, tyrants, suicide (forest of despair forever living in tormented by the living wanting to die by cant) squanderers, against god: blasphemers, sodomites, usurers.
Level 8: Fraud = panders & seducers, flatterers, simonists , Dniner, astrologers & magicians, barrators, hypocrites, thieves, fraudulent counsellors, sowers of scandal & schism, Falsifiers of metals, persons, coin, words.
Level 9 : Treachery = catna traitors to kin, Antencra traitors to homeland or party, Ptolomea traitors to guests, Sudecca Traitors to benefactors.
Level 10 : Lucifer
Watch this film tho it like a dc comic animated film violent but with a lot of blood ,fantasy
& history throw into one film, it one game you should play or read the book because this is what fantasy horror is all about.
I love story's like this one a man willing to give up his insanity to brave his own mortal soul to face fire & brimstone to rescue his loved one soul from the depths of hell, it has a romantic but dark concept with a epic storyline to go with one of the best story's told of revenge, passion, love & redemption.
If you like the animated film or just like these type's of film's this is one I recommend you watch for the storyline alone, you wont be disappointed with this film. The outstanding animation with the concept of this film really brings this film out with the hell concept, which is visual impressive, to show hell for what it is, a place full of tortured soul.
Dislikes : There is one story of this film/game/book. There should be a sequel at least for this concept.
Overall : Epic adventure in to fire & brimstone, a journey to save a loved one from hell. a must to see
Rating: 5 out of 5 for entertainment / 9.1 out of 10 for concept & storyline.
Cert: 18 cert only (R rated)
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: you see a woman's clothes torn to pieces and you see her boob hanging out it is very clear. There is a scene you see a male and female in a field nude. You see a giant female topless battling Dante it is also very clear. You can see people nude in hell but a lot of them are burnt up or covered by fire.
Violence & Gore: Most of the movie is gore you see a lot of people being torn to shreds. When Dante gets back you see a lot of the family ripped to shreds. you see Beatrice catch fire and burn up.
Profanity: Theres a lot of uses of damn and hell.
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking:You see some people drinking beer and wine.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: The movie has a lot of people dead and demons so it might be frightening to young viewers but it is just animated.
Story: After fighting in the Crusades for three years, Dante rides back home to his family estate to reunite with his beloved Beatrice and his father. Dante sees a rider following him, but out of the blue, the man vanishes without trace. When he arrives home, he sees the servants slaughtered, his father murdered and Beatrice near death. When her soul is going to the heaven, Lucifer takes Beatrice to Hell, telling her that Dante has betrayed her. Dante meets Virgil who guides him to Hell, and the poet explains that Beatrice had a bet with Lucifer that Dante would be faithful to her while in the holy war. In return, Lucifer would protect Dante and bring him back home safe and sound. Upon arrival in Hell, Dante learns that he needs to cross nine circles to reach Lucifer ad on his painful journey, he discovers who doomed his family to suffer in Hell.
Likes : This story is amazing, i've read the book & played the game, now watched the film of this epic horror adventure of one man's journey to save his loved ones soul after he curse her by his own hands in the crusade wars. This story take you into the very depth of hell itself as he must face off 10 levels of hell minion to recuse her soul from the devil & redeem himself of his own sin's.
Date fable tell of hell being a place scribe as being a place for everyone for every sin there is a special place you go in hell:
heaven - Ante-hell
Earth - Neutrals
Level 1: Limbo = The unlighted, the wilfully ignorant
Level 2: Lust = carnal malefactors, the terminally repressed
Level 3: Gluttony = The self-indulgent & overfed, competitive eaters
Level 4: Greed = The miserly & avaricious
Level 5: Anger = The wrathful & sullen
STYX (The wall of dis)
Level 6: Heresy = Impious & toxic souls
Level 7: Violence/Despair = Warmongers & destroyers, murderers, tyrants, suicide (forest of despair forever living in tormented by the living wanting to die by cant) squanderers, against god: blasphemers, sodomites, usurers.
Level 8: Fraud = panders & seducers, flatterers, simonists , Dniner, astrologers & magicians, barrators, hypocrites, thieves, fraudulent counsellors, sowers of scandal & schism, Falsifiers of metals, persons, coin, words.
Level 9 : Treachery = catna traitors to kin, Antencra traitors to homeland or party, Ptolomea traitors to guests, Sudecca Traitors to benefactors.
Level 10 : Lucifer
Watch this film tho it like a dc comic animated film violent but with a lot of blood ,fantasy
& history throw into one film, it one game you should play or read the book because this is what fantasy horror is all about.
I love story's like this one a man willing to give up his insanity to brave his own mortal soul to face fire & brimstone to rescue his loved one soul from the depths of hell, it has a romantic but dark concept with a epic storyline to go with one of the best story's told of revenge, passion, love & redemption.
If you like the animated film or just like these type's of film's this is one I recommend you watch for the storyline alone, you wont be disappointed with this film. The outstanding animation with the concept of this film really brings this film out with the hell concept, which is visual impressive, to show hell for what it is, a place full of tortured soul.
Dislikes : There is one story of this film/game/book. There should be a sequel at least for this concept.
Overall : Epic adventure in to fire & brimstone, a journey to save a loved one from hell. a must to see
Rating: 5 out of 5 for entertainment / 9.1 out of 10 for concept & storyline.

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