Story: After leaving his LAPD narcotics post following a bungled operation that left him wracked with remorse and regret, Sheriff Ray Owens (Schwarzenegger) moved out of Los Angeles and settled into a life fighting what little crime takes place in sleepy border town Sommerton Junction. But that peaceful existence is shattered when Gabriel Cortez (Eduardo Noriega), the most notorious, wanted drug kingpin in the western hemisphere, makes a deadly yet spectacular escape from an FBI prisoner convoy.
Likes : I'm going to have to be frank about this film because although its was a good film its not something to go rush out to watch this is one of those DVD release that was put on to the cinema because its Arnold Schwarzenegger.This film dose have its moments where your just going to laugh your head off at,some good action scenes but it kind of over before it starts.Altho Arnold is playing a character sheriff Ray Owens, some around his own age, he is seriously looking old & it really showed on screen as well by the way he's walking, i think it time for Arnold to retire from action films because he's had a long carrier & it time to slow down because this film wasn't up to its best.Forest Whitaker brilliant actor plays Agent John Bannister who is in charge of transfer the prison across the country to a jail but runs in to deep trouble when the prison gang break him out & all hell break loss.Eduardo Noriega play the psychopathic drug lord Gabriel Cortez who after escaping tries to escape to the boarder but has to go through Arnold character ray to get there it ends up in this so call ego battle between them.Luis Guzmán a seriously funny actor playing deputy Mike Figuerola who has some good one lines & seriously funny in places.Jaimie Alexander beautiful actress (star of Thor playing sith) she plays deputy Sarah Torrance who seem to still be in love with a jail guy Frank Martinez for being drunk & start a fight played by Rodrigo Santoro who later joins them to to taken down this drug lord.Genesis Rodriguez plays Agent Ellen Richards who seem to be an innocent party but there is something not right about her.Johnny Knoxville plays the mad hatter gun nut,that owns a gun museum,which he dose have some moment you think wth are you doing.which he seem to have these mad cap role in films which to be honest suit him.Peter Stormare play Gabriel Cortez muscle by the name of Burrell who is in charge of the mercs that broke out Cortez who seem to have this ruthless streak to him in a way if he doesn't get want he wants he'll take it anyway.Zach Gilford play the younger deputy Jerry Bailey who seem to have a short carrier as things take a nasty turn for him.Harry Dean Stanton (cameo) plays the farm who doesn't like people being on his land.This film also has some beautiful cars like the bumble bee car from transformer but in red & a supedup car that can do 200mph that was stolen from a car show which both cars get completely mangle & along with some good fire fight scenes its not a bad film.
Dislike: The only Thing really was Arnold playing a action character again i'm finding him far to old to be playing these role its really shows on screen like it did with harrison ford in crystal skull film he did, you can just tell when a actor is losing that look for certain roles when there start to hunch when their walking,the was good but it wasnt one of he's best i think arnolds had he's day back in the 80s & 90s.
Overall : if you like car chase,gun fights & funny moments this is one to watch but i wouldnt rush to go see it because its the type of film that should of gone straight to dvd because it didnt have that wow factor,but it depends on what people like at the end of the day.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 for entertainment / 7 out of 10 for concept & storyline

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