Story: Los Angeles, 1949. Ruthless, Brooklyn-born mob king Mickey Cohen (Sean Penn) runs the show in this town, reaping the ill-gotten gains from the drugs, the guns, the prostitutes and-if he has his way-every wire bet placed west of Chicago. And he does it all with the protection of not only his own paid goons, but also the police and the politicians who are under his control. It's enough to intimidate even the bravest, street-hardened cop...except, perhaps, for the small, secret crew of LAPD outsiders led by Sgt. John O'Mara (Josh Brolin) and Jerry Wooters (Ryan Gosling), who come together to try to tear Cohen's world apart.
Likes : Based on a true story this film wasnt bad,it kind of like the untouchables film but with a bit more violence in it,im not normal one for gangster film but this film really set the tone for a city control by mobsters,the mob boss trying to take over is one seriously evil person.Sean Penn performance in this film was brilliant as Mickey Cohen a ruthless mobster boss & former heavy weight boxer that would do anything to keep he power & steal from other to become the number one mob boss in chicargo,he was seriously playing a evil part. Holt McCallany plays mickey's right hand man Karl lennox who dose the dirty work like killing & control for mickey.Wade Williams plays Rourke ,James Hébert plays a Mitch Racine a pimp for mickey who lors girl that seem to what to make it famous in chicago but they end up being raped & used as whore to make money for the bussiness which is seriously evill.Ambyr Childers (cameo) plays the Milk Skinned Blonde at the station that almost get raped & use for the bussiness but was saved just in time.Josh Brolin play the ex-millitry hard ass cop Sgt. John O'Mara who see the cruption in the city with the help of the cheif of police set up a team of harded men to take down mickey's bussiness,but he seem to have a conflict of he's own being a ex soldier hes away looking for a war.Mick Betancourt (cameo) Detective Sgt. Will Hendricks a fellow cop on the force.Ryan Gosling plays Sgt. Jerry Wooters he character is someone that dosent want to get involed in taking down the mobster & cruption in the city until a young boy is shot due a mob hit by mickeys boys & he fall in love with mickeys girl Grace Faraday played by the beautiful emma stone, Nick Nolte plays Chief Parker who set up the team to take down mickey,Anthony Mackie plays Officer Coleman Harris who hates the drugs being in hes city who has a skill with knife throwing,Robert Patrick character is Officer Max Kennard who is awesome with a six shooter like the wild wild a marksmen with ever shot, Michael Peña play max partner Officer Navidad Ramirez who is learning from max on how to be a good cop,Giovanni Ribisi play the techical side of the gruop Officer Conway Keeler for survalance & wire tapping, who find a way to tap the phone to find out where the deliverys bussiness are.The whole concept of this film being based on a true story & being a hard hitting film really works for the film it show realism in a hard world of 1949 chicago.The actors seem to work off each other & it felt real instead of it not working right.
Dislike: The only thing is really that the bbfc thing this was a 15 but the violence of seeing someone about to be raped & the other violent scene in this film it should of been an 18 cert,
Overall : if you like the untouchabe & gangster movies this is one for you,it mite not be for everyone but it a good film to watch,altho a little violent.
Rating: 4 out of 5 for entertainment/ 8 out of 10 for storyline & concept.

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