Genre: Action Drama Sci-Fi, Warning this film does contain brutal fight scenes & gory scene that my disturb.
Cert: This was given a 15 cert, but due to the level of violence & gore, this was an 18 cert easy
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: A few references., few scene of a woman in a red bikini
Violence & Gore: Several knife and sword fights occur between a man in an exoskeleton and another man: they punch, kick and strike with weapons, often drawing blood that we see drip off their faces and hands.
During a fight, a man stabs another man in the stomach twice with a bloody ninja sword, blood gushes and the injured man limps off to a nurse for help; she finds him lying in a gutter, holding his bleeding stomach and she uses electronic devices to close the large bloody wound.
A man pushes another man over a high railing after attaching a live grenade to his exoskeleton, but the man climbs back over and pushes the first man over the railing; from above, we see the man explode to pieces, with very little noise.
An armored SUV and an armored sports car chase a shuttle that is about to crash after being shot down; we see it crash on Earth without injuring the man inside and another man orders androids to kill two men; a grenade thrown under the car turns it over but fails to kill anyone (the two men are shown dirty and scratched); one of the attacking men shoots one of the androids into small pieces that scatter and he twists the head off the another android; he then hooks his brain into a computer and the brain of another man in order to download all the data and shoots the man in the chest (blood gushes); at the same time, three other men in the shooter's team are shot dead by agents that appear in another shuttle in the sky and we see blood.
Human smugglers electronically erase non-citizen IDs from the forearms of illegal immigrants (they wince in pain), and then load the frightened-looking people, tightly packed, onto transport ships; as the ships approaches a wealthy space station that governs Earth they are ordered to be shot down by the station's weapons department; missiles are launched and vaporize two ships with little sound (we see clouds of debris being thrown and scattering) and another ship lands (the people onboard are ordered to be deported immediately).
Two agents blow up a space station command center and staff with a grenade; we hear a loud blast and see charred debris; apparently, the people inside are vaporised.
Three people receive baton beatings from android police officers at a bus stop; we see the clothed arm of a man break inside out as he screams in pain while the other two people are in the distance, gasping and we do not see their injuries.
We see several scenes of police androids or government agents as they shoot automatic rifles, often missing but downing some people (no blood is seen).
A small group people defend themselves with guns against agents and sometimes hit them (bloody wounds are seen).
A dying man asks a for a black market ticket to a space station that has instant healing beds; the man and his crew pull handguns on the dying man then drop them to their sides as the man gives the sick man a powered exoskeleton to hold him up and support his broken arm.
A man slumps on the floor against a desk and dies quietly with his eyes closed.
A man dies and we hear a voiceover saying that the man was born to do something important.
A defense minister and the President of a space station and Earth argue and one forces the other to decommission secret agent.
A man on a rooftop grilling meat becomes angry and kicks the grill off the roof as he shouts.
We hear that a little girl is dying of leukemia and having seizures, but cannot stay in the hospital, because it is too full and doctors cannot cure her.
Several scenes of medical clinics on Earth are so crowded that people can barely walk through the lobbies with people screaming and writhing in pain; a man on a gurney grabs his lower abdomen, grimaces and shouts in pain; several men have an arm in a sling; a few men have bloody faces and a few other men walk with canes; an elderly woman sits in a wheelchair and her legs appear to be bandaged while a few parents cry out that their children are sick and dying; and in one scene, we see a long, wide swath of reddened, bruised skin on a man's forearm as a nurse says it's a bad break and she places it in an elastic support and we later see a cast on it.
Profanity: there is a extreme amount of strong language through this film, lot of the f word with two means, s words.
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: A man in a hospital operating chair receives an IV of transparent fluids.
A man is strapped to a gurney where he is to receive sedation (he breaks free and escapes).
A few scenes in a makeshift computer room at a garbage dump show men and women drinking from bottles of beer.
A woman takes a glass of champagne from a tray of filled glasses and drinks on a space station at a garden party while we see two other women holding large glasses of wine in the background.
A man tosses a beer bottle off the roof of a tall building.
Several men in a ghetto smoke cigarettes.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: There are scene of extreme gore that with scare younger viewer.
Story: In the year 2154 two classes of people exist: the very wealthy who live on a pristine man-made space station called Elysium, and the rest, who live on an overpopulated, ruined Earth. Secretary Rhodes, a government official, will stop at nothing to enforce anti-immigration laws and preserve the luxurious lifestyle of the citizens of Elysium. That doesn't stop the people of Earth from trying to get in, by any means they can. When unlucky Max is backed into a corner, he agrees to take on a daunting mission that if successful will not only save his life, but could bring equality to these polarized worlds.
Likes : This film is why I feel a mass effect film could be done, the concept & visual effect of a space station orbiting the earth, that made to look like streets & homes like if it was on earth is amazing, special how they get the C.G.I to mimic an environment like that is outstanding in films today special in this film.
I'm not much of a Matt Damon fan because some of his film can be a little boring, but some of his film have been real good just lately he brought out some really good film out special this one.
The tone & concept behind it show a very dark bleak gritty world where disease has over run the world & the typical rich or people that can pay live on a space station orbiting the earth while the poor live on the surface to suffer, it the while rich live free from disease to live there lives, free of any crime or illness because they have there own medical device which the concept behind that is brilliant done.
It does get a little slow to start with which is ok because when this film does kick in to the action its seriously fast & brutal, I mean seriously brutal. The police force is clever in stead of people there cyborg cops like you see in the remake of totally recall but with a different look & design which is pretty cool because it what scifi is all about.
The other things I will say about this film is that Matt Damon is a badass in this film, this is for the ladies he's pretty well built for the film you can tell he must of bulked himself up for this, Jodie Foster character came across as this cold ruthless bitch that loves the sound of her own voice & having the power of control, Sharlto Copley (south African actor) his character seem to be this sas special black ops but my god his character is a ruthless, nutcase mad man that goes way beyond the rule of engagement now ive seen him play some roles but never like this he really pulled this off as being a psychopath in this film, Alice Braga & playing her daughter Emma Tremblay provide the really emotional side of this film, if you watch this film your see why that why I say be prepare for a tear jerker ending because the overwhelm emotional ending this film gives seriously anyone that not afraid to show their emotions will have tears in there eyes.
It one of those moment couple with the right mood of music to set the tone of the scene you just can't help but cry. As a film this is one of the visually stunning films not just on camera but C.G.I & performances from all this stars that you really should watch this because this was in my eye a brilliant made film.
Dislikes : slightly slow to start with which you can over look.
Overall : Visual stunning special effect, emotional storyline, brilliant performances. a must see
Rating: 4.7 out of 5 for storyline / 8.0 out of 10 for concept & action.
Cert: This was given a 15 cert, but due to the level of violence & gore, this was an 18 cert easy
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: A few references., few scene of a woman in a red bikini
Violence & Gore: Several knife and sword fights occur between a man in an exoskeleton and another man: they punch, kick and strike with weapons, often drawing blood that we see drip off their faces and hands.
During a fight, a man stabs another man in the stomach twice with a bloody ninja sword, blood gushes and the injured man limps off to a nurse for help; she finds him lying in a gutter, holding his bleeding stomach and she uses electronic devices to close the large bloody wound.
A man pushes another man over a high railing after attaching a live grenade to his exoskeleton, but the man climbs back over and pushes the first man over the railing; from above, we see the man explode to pieces, with very little noise.
An armored SUV and an armored sports car chase a shuttle that is about to crash after being shot down; we see it crash on Earth without injuring the man inside and another man orders androids to kill two men; a grenade thrown under the car turns it over but fails to kill anyone (the two men are shown dirty and scratched); one of the attacking men shoots one of the androids into small pieces that scatter and he twists the head off the another android; he then hooks his brain into a computer and the brain of another man in order to download all the data and shoots the man in the chest (blood gushes); at the same time, three other men in the shooter's team are shot dead by agents that appear in another shuttle in the sky and we see blood.
Human smugglers electronically erase non-citizen IDs from the forearms of illegal immigrants (they wince in pain), and then load the frightened-looking people, tightly packed, onto transport ships; as the ships approaches a wealthy space station that governs Earth they are ordered to be shot down by the station's weapons department; missiles are launched and vaporize two ships with little sound (we see clouds of debris being thrown and scattering) and another ship lands (the people onboard are ordered to be deported immediately).
Two agents blow up a space station command center and staff with a grenade; we hear a loud blast and see charred debris; apparently, the people inside are vaporised.
Three people receive baton beatings from android police officers at a bus stop; we see the clothed arm of a man break inside out as he screams in pain while the other two people are in the distance, gasping and we do not see their injuries.
We see several scenes of police androids or government agents as they shoot automatic rifles, often missing but downing some people (no blood is seen).
A small group people defend themselves with guns against agents and sometimes hit them (bloody wounds are seen).
A dying man asks a for a black market ticket to a space station that has instant healing beds; the man and his crew pull handguns on the dying man then drop them to their sides as the man gives the sick man a powered exoskeleton to hold him up and support his broken arm.
A man slumps on the floor against a desk and dies quietly with his eyes closed.
A man dies and we hear a voiceover saying that the man was born to do something important.
A defense minister and the President of a space station and Earth argue and one forces the other to decommission secret agent.
A man on a rooftop grilling meat becomes angry and kicks the grill off the roof as he shouts.
We hear that a little girl is dying of leukemia and having seizures, but cannot stay in the hospital, because it is too full and doctors cannot cure her.
Several scenes of medical clinics on Earth are so crowded that people can barely walk through the lobbies with people screaming and writhing in pain; a man on a gurney grabs his lower abdomen, grimaces and shouts in pain; several men have an arm in a sling; a few men have bloody faces and a few other men walk with canes; an elderly woman sits in a wheelchair and her legs appear to be bandaged while a few parents cry out that their children are sick and dying; and in one scene, we see a long, wide swath of reddened, bruised skin on a man's forearm as a nurse says it's a bad break and she places it in an elastic support and we later see a cast on it.
Profanity: there is a extreme amount of strong language through this film, lot of the f word with two means, s words.
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: A man in a hospital operating chair receives an IV of transparent fluids.
A man is strapped to a gurney where he is to receive sedation (he breaks free and escapes).
A few scenes in a makeshift computer room at a garbage dump show men and women drinking from bottles of beer.
A woman takes a glass of champagne from a tray of filled glasses and drinks on a space station at a garden party while we see two other women holding large glasses of wine in the background.
A man tosses a beer bottle off the roof of a tall building.
Several men in a ghetto smoke cigarettes.
Frightening/Intense Scenes: There are scene of extreme gore that with scare younger viewer.
Story: In the year 2154 two classes of people exist: the very wealthy who live on a pristine man-made space station called Elysium, and the rest, who live on an overpopulated, ruined Earth. Secretary Rhodes, a government official, will stop at nothing to enforce anti-immigration laws and preserve the luxurious lifestyle of the citizens of Elysium. That doesn't stop the people of Earth from trying to get in, by any means they can. When unlucky Max is backed into a corner, he agrees to take on a daunting mission that if successful will not only save his life, but could bring equality to these polarized worlds.
Likes : This film is why I feel a mass effect film could be done, the concept & visual effect of a space station orbiting the earth, that made to look like streets & homes like if it was on earth is amazing, special how they get the C.G.I to mimic an environment like that is outstanding in films today special in this film.
I'm not much of a Matt Damon fan because some of his film can be a little boring, but some of his film have been real good just lately he brought out some really good film out special this one.
The tone & concept behind it show a very dark bleak gritty world where disease has over run the world & the typical rich or people that can pay live on a space station orbiting the earth while the poor live on the surface to suffer, it the while rich live free from disease to live there lives, free of any crime or illness because they have there own medical device which the concept behind that is brilliant done.
It does get a little slow to start with which is ok because when this film does kick in to the action its seriously fast & brutal, I mean seriously brutal. The police force is clever in stead of people there cyborg cops like you see in the remake of totally recall but with a different look & design which is pretty cool because it what scifi is all about.
The other things I will say about this film is that Matt Damon is a badass in this film, this is for the ladies he's pretty well built for the film you can tell he must of bulked himself up for this, Jodie Foster character came across as this cold ruthless bitch that loves the sound of her own voice & having the power of control, Sharlto Copley (south African actor) his character seem to be this sas special black ops but my god his character is a ruthless, nutcase mad man that goes way beyond the rule of engagement now ive seen him play some roles but never like this he really pulled this off as being a psychopath in this film, Alice Braga & playing her daughter Emma Tremblay provide the really emotional side of this film, if you watch this film your see why that why I say be prepare for a tear jerker ending because the overwhelm emotional ending this film gives seriously anyone that not afraid to show their emotions will have tears in there eyes.
It one of those moment couple with the right mood of music to set the tone of the scene you just can't help but cry. As a film this is one of the visually stunning films not just on camera but C.G.I & performances from all this stars that you really should watch this because this was in my eye a brilliant made film.
Dislikes : slightly slow to start with which you can over look.
Overall : Visual stunning special effect, emotional storyline, brilliant performances. a must see
Rating: 4.7 out of 5 for storyline / 8.0 out of 10 for concept & action.

A fun piece of summer entertainment, regardless of if you like sci-fi or not. Nice review Gerry.