Genre: Action Comedy Crime, Warning this film contain slight horror theme that may disturb younger viewers.
Cert: 12A
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: A man wearing a tank top sleeps in bed and his wife, wearing a T-shirt and bikini-style panties, approaches the bed and jumps on top of him; they wrestle playfully, kiss and she straddles him (we see her bare thighs and legs) while making a remark about not letting him leave (sex is implied).
A woman approaches a man and bites the end of his beard and he makes a comment about that being "a thing we do" (sex is implied).
A woman is shown pressed against a bus windshield and we see her cleavage.
A man in a police station locker room is shown with a towel wrapped around his waist (we see his bare chest and abdomen), he removes the towel and other men react with shock and make remarks about his genitals (we do not see below the waist).
Several scenes feature a woman wearing a tight-fitting, low-cut and short dress that reveals cleavage, and legs and the camera lingers on her clothed buttocks in one scene.
A large man/monster with his large abdomen hanging out of his shirt and over his waistband runs through a street and up the side of a building; when he leaps off the side of a truck and onto the building we see his bare buttocks cleavage and upper buttocks and a portion of his thong underwear (please see the Violence/Gore category for more details); we see this scene again later.
A man is shown wearing a bathrobe that hangs open and reveals his bare chest (a remark is made about how hairy he is).
A man touches a woman's chin lovingly.
Two men ogle a woman wearing a short, low-cut and tight-fitting dress (cleavage, bare arms and shoulders and legs are seen).
A man admires a woman's ankles; she is wearing a very short skirt and her full legs are seen.
A man tells a woman, "You have magnificent breasts."
A man and a woman make remarks throughout the movie that give the impression that they have had a sexual relationship.
A man says, "I bought my love by the hour."
A man talks about stealing gold to "pay for lap dances."
When a man approaches a woman in a bar she tells him to "respect me or I'll castrate you like a 3 year old steer."
A woman (who's actually a man) talks to a man and he acts flirtatiously while offering her a drink.
A man says that another man's name sounds like an "STD."
A man asks another man about his wife's ankles and the other man becomes angry and tells him never to talk about his wife again.
A man makes a remark about another man "scrubbing the porn off your laptop."
A man makes a couple of comments suggesting that another man is having sex with another man's wife.
A man tells another man that a "coyote made love to my skull" and the other man says, "I hope it got both eyes."
Violence & Gore: A monster stabs a woman in the back with a metal pole and she falls to the ground where we see her abdomen bleeding until she falls still.
A monster shoots a Gattling gun toward officers until the gun jams (no one appears to be struck).
An officer with a handgun shoots several monsters that explode (we see a cloud of dust and matter).
A man shoots a monster in the face and he explodes.
A piece of construction equipment slams into a helicopter mid-flight and we see the chopper swirl out of control (we do not see it crash).
After a man falls to his death he gets up and moves through a scene that has stopped in time and we see police officers that have been shot and are being thrown through the air, and we see vehicles thrown into the air by explosions and men being thrown by the blast (no blood is evident).
A man and a monster fight and they throw each other around until one pins the other on the ground and pounds him on the head with a boulder (no damage is evident) and then two cinder blocks.
A man throws another man in front of a bus; we see him as a female pressed against the bus windshield (he/she is unharmed).
A man pushes another man out a window and rides him like a horse as they fall many stories, crashing into buildings on the way down.
A man grabs another man by the throat and shoves him into a chair, then hits him in the head with a metal sign (no injuries are evident).
A man punches another man in the face three times and he falls to the ground (no injuries are evident).
Two men and a monster in an elevator crash through the roof of an office building and crash on top (we see no injuries).
A monster struggles with police and tries to free himself from his handcuffs; he throws officers, desks and chairs and yells until an officer shoots him and he disintegrates.
A man/monster transforms into his monster self and we see his skull split at the top and huge blackened gashes appear on his face.
An officer uses a monster's disembodied arm to strike the monster several times before another officer shoots it.
A man points a gun at a man/monster before the house they are in begins to break apart (no one is harmed).
An orb explodes causing all non-monsters to freeze in time.
A man puts a gun to another man's chin and walks with him; another man opens a freezer door and hits him in the face before pushing him into the freezer where the two men question him (no injuries are shown and we see meat carcasses hanging in the freezer).
A man puts a gun to another man's head (he does not shoot).
A man is branded on the chest with a badge and a number (we see the flesh glow red and then turn black and he grimaces).
A man threatens a man/monster and says, "You don't want to get popped."
A huge, swirling cloud sucks things into it as it moves through a city and causes destruction; a parking garage falls apart and cars plunge toward the street and a car with two men inside are nearly crushed.
A wall and a door appear to be covered with slime and decay.
Monsters can be identified by the destruction that appears around them (lights flickering, decay, odor, etc.)
Monsters jump on a car as a man speeds through streets; some monsters are thrown off and on is slammed into a wall (we do not see the damage).
A man drives a car recklessly and does not watch the road in a few scenes; he runs into things and nearly hits people in a couple of scenes.
A man watches his own funeral, approaches his wife who doesn't recognize him and others pull him away when he lunges at another man.
We see several monsters throughout the movie and they are usually very large with distorted faces, and some have multiple eyes; one has an extremely large gaping mouth and two sets of fingers on one hand; one's head is split at the skull and he has deep gashes in his face (no blood); one has a blackened eye socket that appears to be empty like the eye was burned out of the socket.
A man eats sloppily and talks with his mouth full of food while a man/monster watches and gags as if he will vomit (he does not).
A dead man (no evidence of wounds) is pulled up toward a swirling tunnel in the sky along with other people and he is slammed hard into a chair in a room with a woman behind a desk.
A man talks about watching coyotes "pick my carcass clean and drag it off into a cave" after he died.
A man talks about his partner shooting him in the back.
A man tells another man, "Don't wet your pants over it."
A man tells another man, "You're dead."
Two men talk about taking gold from police evidence and one appears to regret having done so.
A man talks about wearing his grandmother's St. Christopher medal for protection.
A man makes a comment about the Killing Fields.
A woman talks about something causing the "dead to rain down on the Earth."
A couple of references are made to "soul stank."
A sign reads, "don't be dead broke."
Profanity: 1 possible F-word, 1 not fully enunciated F-word (Oh F...), 3 obscene hand gestures, 20 scatological terms, 10 anatomical terms (1 mild), 19 mild obscenities, 2 derogatory term for Native Americans, exclamations (shut up) and 5 religious exclamations (e.g. Jesus, Sweet Jesus, Oh Christ).
Name-calling (genius, strange, weird, bimbo, creepy, dirty cop, shot in the face cop, deados, sick, honey pot, rookie, Grandpa Chen, cockup, sweetie pie, doll face, Panda Express, ginger, self-righteous, weirdness and 2 cent whores.)
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: A man/monster snorts a handful of cumin.
Police officers speed to a warehouse after receiving information about a drug manufacturing operation.
A man offers a woman (actually a man) a drink and she accepts (we do not see them drink).
Frightening/Intense Scenes: The transformations may be frightening to small children.
Story: Jeff Bridges and Ryan Reynolds headline the 3D supernatural action-adventure R.I.P.D. as two cops dispatched by the otherworldly Rest In Peace Department to protect and serve the living from an increasingly destructive array of souls who refuse to move peacefully to the other side. Veteran sheriff Roy Pulsifer (Bridges) has spent his career with the legendary police force known as R.I.P.D. tracking monstrous spirits who are cleverly disguised as ordinary people. His mission? To arrest and bring to justice a special brand of criminals trying to escape final judgement by hiding among the unsuspecting on Earth. Once the wise-cracking Roy is assigned former rising-star detective Nick Walker (Reynolds) as his junior officer, the new partners have to turn grudging respect into top-notch teamwork. When they uncover a plot that could end life as we know it, two of R.I.P.D.'s finest must miraculously restore the cosmic balance...or watch the tunnel to the afterlife begin sending angry souls the very wrong way.
Likes : First thing first, don't expect Oscar winning acting or performances because this film is what is, its just a normal comedy with action but it is fun to watch & doesn't leave you wanting more. It dose get a little repetitive in the first half of the film as its slightly Little slow to start off with but pick up in the second half of the film & kept you entertain. It not the funniest film I've watch but it dose have its moment that will make you laugh, your find the concept of this film very formula has its a cross between Men in black & Ghost busters which kind of works, but it really dose depend on weather you like these two films, because if you didn't like men in black your not going to like this film as it dose have the same feel to it.
I cant really say much about Kevin Bacon character Hayes as it would be giving away the plot of the film & spoiler's as well, other than the fact I can say he played this role brilliantly with a twist in his characters role as well. Ryan Reynolds plays Nick Walker who get thrown in to this supernatural world that he find very hard to adjust to, He don't seem to have that much of comical role in this film other than a serious one which I noticed but he had some funny moments.
Jeff Bridges play Roy Pulsipher a 18th century cowboy Sheriff in a modern world hunting down the dead, your find that he has some comical parts in this film which are funny at times but not laugh out loud funny. Mary-Louise Parker plays Proctor she has this kind of I'm the boss don't piss me off look about her character, Which in this film she was looking pretty attractive in what she was wearing your notice the some tension between her & Roy which your find out why in the film.(Cameo) Stephanie Szostak plays nicks wife, who struggle with he death, (Cameo) James Hong plays the avatar of nick, (cameo) Very beautiful Marisa Miller plays the avatar of Roy.
Along with it banter/one liners, the action is pretty fast & some what violent at time, but what make this film pretty good is the camera work on film, like stop motion as everything else is completely stopped moving your still walking a normal speed, its amazing how they film like that it adds depth to the film, it was used twice in this film in curtain scenes. But it like I said before this film wont be for every one if your not sure on this film I would watch for it to come out on DVD because its not an Oscar winner or Oscar winning performances it just what it is an entertain film that you will enjoy watching.
Dislikes : The only thing really was the first half of the film its like I said it get a little repetitive as being slight a little slow to get into, but it dose get better.
Overall : If you love men in black you love this film, if not you wont like this film
,its not going to please everyone but its still an entertain film that will make you laugh at some points.
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 for entertainment / 7.1 out of 10 for Concept & comedy
Cert: 12A
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: A man wearing a tank top sleeps in bed and his wife, wearing a T-shirt and bikini-style panties, approaches the bed and jumps on top of him; they wrestle playfully, kiss and she straddles him (we see her bare thighs and legs) while making a remark about not letting him leave (sex is implied).
A woman approaches a man and bites the end of his beard and he makes a comment about that being "a thing we do" (sex is implied).
A woman is shown pressed against a bus windshield and we see her cleavage.
A man in a police station locker room is shown with a towel wrapped around his waist (we see his bare chest and abdomen), he removes the towel and other men react with shock and make remarks about his genitals (we do not see below the waist).
Several scenes feature a woman wearing a tight-fitting, low-cut and short dress that reveals cleavage, and legs and the camera lingers on her clothed buttocks in one scene.
A large man/monster with his large abdomen hanging out of his shirt and over his waistband runs through a street and up the side of a building; when he leaps off the side of a truck and onto the building we see his bare buttocks cleavage and upper buttocks and a portion of his thong underwear (please see the Violence/Gore category for more details); we see this scene again later.
A man is shown wearing a bathrobe that hangs open and reveals his bare chest (a remark is made about how hairy he is).
A man touches a woman's chin lovingly.
Two men ogle a woman wearing a short, low-cut and tight-fitting dress (cleavage, bare arms and shoulders and legs are seen).
A man admires a woman's ankles; she is wearing a very short skirt and her full legs are seen.
A man tells a woman, "You have magnificent breasts."
A man and a woman make remarks throughout the movie that give the impression that they have had a sexual relationship.
A man says, "I bought my love by the hour."
A man talks about stealing gold to "pay for lap dances."
When a man approaches a woman in a bar she tells him to "respect me or I'll castrate you like a 3 year old steer."
A woman (who's actually a man) talks to a man and he acts flirtatiously while offering her a drink.
A man says that another man's name sounds like an "STD."
A man asks another man about his wife's ankles and the other man becomes angry and tells him never to talk about his wife again.
A man makes a remark about another man "scrubbing the porn off your laptop."
A man makes a couple of comments suggesting that another man is having sex with another man's wife.
A man tells another man that a "coyote made love to my skull" and the other man says, "I hope it got both eyes."
Violence & Gore: A monster stabs a woman in the back with a metal pole and she falls to the ground where we see her abdomen bleeding until she falls still.
A monster shoots a Gattling gun toward officers until the gun jams (no one appears to be struck).
An officer with a handgun shoots several monsters that explode (we see a cloud of dust and matter).
A man shoots a monster in the face and he explodes.
A piece of construction equipment slams into a helicopter mid-flight and we see the chopper swirl out of control (we do not see it crash).
After a man falls to his death he gets up and moves through a scene that has stopped in time and we see police officers that have been shot and are being thrown through the air, and we see vehicles thrown into the air by explosions and men being thrown by the blast (no blood is evident).
A man and a monster fight and they throw each other around until one pins the other on the ground and pounds him on the head with a boulder (no damage is evident) and then two cinder blocks.
A man throws another man in front of a bus; we see him as a female pressed against the bus windshield (he/she is unharmed).
A man pushes another man out a window and rides him like a horse as they fall many stories, crashing into buildings on the way down.
A man grabs another man by the throat and shoves him into a chair, then hits him in the head with a metal sign (no injuries are evident).
A man punches another man in the face three times and he falls to the ground (no injuries are evident).
Two men and a monster in an elevator crash through the roof of an office building and crash on top (we see no injuries).
A monster struggles with police and tries to free himself from his handcuffs; he throws officers, desks and chairs and yells until an officer shoots him and he disintegrates.
A man/monster transforms into his monster self and we see his skull split at the top and huge blackened gashes appear on his face.
An officer uses a monster's disembodied arm to strike the monster several times before another officer shoots it.
A man points a gun at a man/monster before the house they are in begins to break apart (no one is harmed).
An orb explodes causing all non-monsters to freeze in time.
A man puts a gun to another man's chin and walks with him; another man opens a freezer door and hits him in the face before pushing him into the freezer where the two men question him (no injuries are shown and we see meat carcasses hanging in the freezer).
A man puts a gun to another man's head (he does not shoot).
A man is branded on the chest with a badge and a number (we see the flesh glow red and then turn black and he grimaces).
A man threatens a man/monster and says, "You don't want to get popped."
A huge, swirling cloud sucks things into it as it moves through a city and causes destruction; a parking garage falls apart and cars plunge toward the street and a car with two men inside are nearly crushed.
A wall and a door appear to be covered with slime and decay.
Monsters can be identified by the destruction that appears around them (lights flickering, decay, odor, etc.)
Monsters jump on a car as a man speeds through streets; some monsters are thrown off and on is slammed into a wall (we do not see the damage).
A man drives a car recklessly and does not watch the road in a few scenes; he runs into things and nearly hits people in a couple of scenes.
A man watches his own funeral, approaches his wife who doesn't recognize him and others pull him away when he lunges at another man.
We see several monsters throughout the movie and they are usually very large with distorted faces, and some have multiple eyes; one has an extremely large gaping mouth and two sets of fingers on one hand; one's head is split at the skull and he has deep gashes in his face (no blood); one has a blackened eye socket that appears to be empty like the eye was burned out of the socket.
A man eats sloppily and talks with his mouth full of food while a man/monster watches and gags as if he will vomit (he does not).
A dead man (no evidence of wounds) is pulled up toward a swirling tunnel in the sky along with other people and he is slammed hard into a chair in a room with a woman behind a desk.
A man talks about watching coyotes "pick my carcass clean and drag it off into a cave" after he died.
A man talks about his partner shooting him in the back.
A man tells another man, "Don't wet your pants over it."
A man tells another man, "You're dead."
Two men talk about taking gold from police evidence and one appears to regret having done so.
A man talks about wearing his grandmother's St. Christopher medal for protection.
A man makes a comment about the Killing Fields.
A woman talks about something causing the "dead to rain down on the Earth."
A couple of references are made to "soul stank."
A sign reads, "don't be dead broke."
Profanity: 1 possible F-word, 1 not fully enunciated F-word (Oh F...), 3 obscene hand gestures, 20 scatological terms, 10 anatomical terms (1 mild), 19 mild obscenities, 2 derogatory term for Native Americans, exclamations (shut up) and 5 religious exclamations (e.g. Jesus, Sweet Jesus, Oh Christ).
Name-calling (genius, strange, weird, bimbo, creepy, dirty cop, shot in the face cop, deados, sick, honey pot, rookie, Grandpa Chen, cockup, sweetie pie, doll face, Panda Express, ginger, self-righteous, weirdness and 2 cent whores.)
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: A man/monster snorts a handful of cumin.
Police officers speed to a warehouse after receiving information about a drug manufacturing operation.
A man offers a woman (actually a man) a drink and she accepts (we do not see them drink).
Frightening/Intense Scenes: The transformations may be frightening to small children.
Story: Jeff Bridges and Ryan Reynolds headline the 3D supernatural action-adventure R.I.P.D. as two cops dispatched by the otherworldly Rest In Peace Department to protect and serve the living from an increasingly destructive array of souls who refuse to move peacefully to the other side. Veteran sheriff Roy Pulsifer (Bridges) has spent his career with the legendary police force known as R.I.P.D. tracking monstrous spirits who are cleverly disguised as ordinary people. His mission? To arrest and bring to justice a special brand of criminals trying to escape final judgement by hiding among the unsuspecting on Earth. Once the wise-cracking Roy is assigned former rising-star detective Nick Walker (Reynolds) as his junior officer, the new partners have to turn grudging respect into top-notch teamwork. When they uncover a plot that could end life as we know it, two of R.I.P.D.'s finest must miraculously restore the cosmic balance...or watch the tunnel to the afterlife begin sending angry souls the very wrong way.
Likes : First thing first, don't expect Oscar winning acting or performances because this film is what is, its just a normal comedy with action but it is fun to watch & doesn't leave you wanting more. It dose get a little repetitive in the first half of the film as its slightly Little slow to start off with but pick up in the second half of the film & kept you entertain. It not the funniest film I've watch but it dose have its moment that will make you laugh, your find the concept of this film very formula has its a cross between Men in black & Ghost busters which kind of works, but it really dose depend on weather you like these two films, because if you didn't like men in black your not going to like this film as it dose have the same feel to it.
I cant really say much about Kevin Bacon character Hayes as it would be giving away the plot of the film & spoiler's as well, other than the fact I can say he played this role brilliantly with a twist in his characters role as well. Ryan Reynolds plays Nick Walker who get thrown in to this supernatural world that he find very hard to adjust to, He don't seem to have that much of comical role in this film other than a serious one which I noticed but he had some funny moments.
Jeff Bridges play Roy Pulsipher a 18th century cowboy Sheriff in a modern world hunting down the dead, your find that he has some comical parts in this film which are funny at times but not laugh out loud funny. Mary-Louise Parker plays Proctor she has this kind of I'm the boss don't piss me off look about her character, Which in this film she was looking pretty attractive in what she was wearing your notice the some tension between her & Roy which your find out why in the film.(Cameo) Stephanie Szostak plays nicks wife, who struggle with he death, (Cameo) James Hong plays the avatar of nick, (cameo) Very beautiful Marisa Miller plays the avatar of Roy.
Along with it banter/one liners, the action is pretty fast & some what violent at time, but what make this film pretty good is the camera work on film, like stop motion as everything else is completely stopped moving your still walking a normal speed, its amazing how they film like that it adds depth to the film, it was used twice in this film in curtain scenes. But it like I said before this film wont be for every one if your not sure on this film I would watch for it to come out on DVD because its not an Oscar winner or Oscar winning performances it just what it is an entertain film that you will enjoy watching.
Dislikes : The only thing really was the first half of the film its like I said it get a little repetitive as being slight a little slow to get into, but it dose get better.
Overall : If you love men in black you love this film, if not you wont like this film
,its not going to please everyone but its still an entertain film that will make you laugh at some points.
Rating: 4.0 out of 5 for entertainment / 7.1 out of 10 for Concept & comedy