I think we all agree that the fact that Henry Cavil should continue to play superman special for the justice league & any further superman film in the future.Personally if they get someone else to play the role it would be a big mistake for DC.& the justice league film.

Batman role would be pretty hard to replace if christen bale doesn't return because you have to get the right actor to play this role. But here's a few actor I think would fit the role of batman through there acting skill's.
Clear chose Christian Bale

Michael Fassbener I think would be a good fit for the role he has a very indepth moody acting skill that would be perfect for batman.

Scott Adkins has a good acting skill &
a martial artist.

Wonder Woman
The actress that would fit this role has to have the look also have the acting skill to be a warrior princess type, so here a few actress that would fit this role.
First Clear Choice Gina Carano
Former MMA Kickboxer, she got the perfect look for the role.

Bridget Regan has the look &
Proven she has the fighting skill in her acting from legend of the seeker.

Kate beckinsale has the look
& a warrior acting skill in her acting as a vampire in underworld.

Rhona Mitra has the look but she has this tough,warrior acting skill that has been proven in doomsday & underworld.

Jaimie Alexander has the look & a good acting skill to play a warrior as prove in Thor as sif.

With the flash there was a few flash's but it depends on the ere there doing the film see for Jay Garrick flash you would have to have Alan Scott green lantern, Barry Allen's flash you would have to have Hal Jordan's green lantern in the film or Wally West's flash they would have to have Kyle Rayner green lantern but I think the best choice would be the most recent flash Bart Allen to play in the justice league. Here is a few actor is think would be better for the role.

Chris Pine would be perfect if their going for the serious Flash Barry Allen

Bradley Cooper would be perfect for Wesley west or Bart Allen's Flash, because he has this funny sarcastic humour but serious acting skill which is perfect for the flash.

Ryan Reynold I would say Would fit the role as bart allen or Wesley west's flash more than green lantern because he just didn't have the look as green lantern.His acting skills are more suited to the flash character because like Bradley cooper he has a funny sarcastic humour that the flash has.

Martian Manhunter
There are a few actors that would fit this role, as they need to have a commanding, philosophy & come cross as being wise for this role. Here is a few actors that would fit this role perfect.

Clear First choice Idris Elba he has the acting skill to pull this type of role off, its clearly seen in Thor, pacific rim & a few other films he would be perfect for the Martian Manhunter.

Carl Lumbly would be perfect for the role as he has a philosophy side to hes acting which would be perfect for the role.

Lance Reddick acting skill would be perfect for this role.
Laurence Fishburne has both philosophy & acting skill to play this role,as seen in matix, assult on precinct 13 & other film's.
Tony Todd has the right acting skilling to play this role & I would say he voice is perfect as well.

Green Lantern
Now for green lantern a lot of people say Ryan Renolds should return to play the role, im going to have to disagree with that because even ryan said he dosent want to do the role because it dosen't suit he's acting skill's which I agree, i think personally there's only two green lantern choice's which should be in this film iver Kyle Rayner or John stewart.

One choice for Kyle Rayner's Green Lantern Bradley cooper if he not doing the flash.

Common would be perfect for the role as john stewart green lantern because he's got the right look & attitude to play this role.

Rick worthy would be perfect for this role as he played a warrior soldier in stargate sg1,he got the right look & acting skills to pull this off.

Aqua man
Two actors com to mind that would fit this role perfect. Here are the two I would say would fit this role perfect.

Clear choice liam Hemsworth has good acting skill's & the look to pull the king of the sea off.

Chris Hemsworth also has the look & good command acting skills for this role, ya lot of people will say he played thor it wouldn't work, but mite I remind you that there have been other stars that have played two superheros from both marvel & DC & it worked, so ya why not.

Green Arrow
With green arrow there is only one clear choice in my mind for the green arrow. Here's who I think is the best actor for green arrow.

Stephan Amell clear choice to play green arrow in future films of Justice league, due to he's outstanding performance in the arrow series he would be perfect for this role.

There is two actress I would say would be perfect for this role in looks & acting skills for a future film of the justice league or dc film's. Here are the two that I think would be perfect.

Julia Voth perfect look & acting skills for this role as zatanna

Serinda Swan Clear first choice has she played Zatanna in the Smallville Series.Not only beautiful but played that mystious magical person perfect that Zatanna character role needs.

Super Girl
Only one choice here of actress the would be perfect for the role of Super girl in a future DC or justice league film since she played her in the Smallville series.

laura vandervoort would be so perfect for the role as she played supergirl in smallville series
I would pick two choices for nightwing for future justice league or dc films, just on there acting skills they would be perfect for the role. Here is the two actors that would be perfect future dc & justice league film's.

joseph Gordon Levitt due to his brilliant performance in the dark knight rises.

Ryan Gosling I think would be perfect for this role, seeing him the film like place beyong the pines & the other films he would fit the role quiet easy.

Doctor Fate
Two actors in mind for doctor fate due to there acting skill to play this type of role. Here is the two actors I think would be perfect for a future role in the justice league or dc film.

Oded fehr is first choice as he done the voice for doctor fate in the animated justice league with he acting skill would be perfect for the role.

Jeffery combs Would be perfect as well due main to he acting from star trex, playing this role would be perfect for him.

There is a few actress that would be perfect for this role as it their acting skill has to have that warrior type skill in their acting to pull this role off so here the actress I think would fit that role perfect for future Dc film's or justice league.

kristanna loken would be perfect for this role as she played a lot of role that involed her being a warrior hawkgirl would fit her perfect.

Alexa Davalos perfect for this role as she played a bad ass strong woman in chronicle of Riddick.

Yvonne Strahovski would be the first choice to be perfect for the role as she played a agent in chuck that know how to fight.

Malin Akerman has the look & good acting skill I think she could play this role off.

This character you need a good actor that good at doing the tough, manly man role's like a warrior, these actor would fit this role as hawk man perfect for future DC film's or justice league.

First clear choice Gerard Butler would be perfect for this role due to he acting skill's, outstanding actor that really throw him self in to a role.

Sam Worthington has the perfect tough look & a good actor for the role of hawk man.

Karl urban would be perfect for this role, seeing him play a vampire in preist, judge dredd & a necro in chronicle of Riddick he got the acting skill that would fit this role perfect.

David Wenham would be a perfect choice as well, seeing him lord of ring's, 300 & a few other film's he got the right acting skill to play a warrior for hawkman.

Raven was a clear choice on who would be perfect for this role, as they have the look & the right acting skill to play this type of role.

Christina-Ricci has he right look & acting skill to play this role

Rooney Mara Perfect role for raven not only in looks but acting as well

Roselyn Sanchez would be perfect for this role as well.

Two actor really come to mind here for a future dc or justice league film.

micheal jai white would fit this role

mehcad-brooks would make a good cyborg

Red Tornado
Two actors would be perfect for this role as red tornado, due to there acting skill.

Vin Diesel acting skill would fit this role as well

Power Girl
Only one actress comes to mind when it come to the look of power girl here she is.

Christina Hendricks would be perfect to for this role, not just on looks but she a brilliant actress as well.
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