Cert: this was given a 12A, but i would say this film is a 15 cert because the volence's & intense moment.
Parents advised to read before viewing film as some scene may contain scenes unsuitable for younger viewers.
Sex & Nudity: Partial Nudity
Violence & Gore: .intense sequences of violence/action
Profanity: Plenty uses of the s and f word.
Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking: some drug content
Frightening/Intense Scenes: intense sequences of violence/action involving car chase's, car being crushed by a tank with people side (no blood is shown),two people shotting out an office,some one dieing.
Story: Since Dom (Diesel) and Brian's (Walker) Rio heist toppled a kingpin's empire and left their crew with $100 million, our heroes have scattered across the globe. But their inability to return home and living forever on the lam have left their lives incomplete. Meanwhile, Hobbs (Johnson) has been tracking an organization of lethally skilled mercenary drivers across 12 countries, whose mastermind (Evans) is aided by a ruthless second-in-command revealed to be the love Dom thought was dead, Letty (Rodriguez). The only way to stop the criminal outfit is to outmatch them at street level, so Hobbs asks Dom to assemble his elite team in London. Payment? Full pardons for all of them so they can return home and make their families whole again
Likes : Ive got to say fast & furious just gets better & better,The team is back & this one is the best by far. They've just upped the action & mayhem in this film to a whole new level, with a twist in the storyline.What i can say is that looking at the end of this film it looked like fast & furious 3: Tokyo drift should of been fast & furious 6 & this film should of been fast & furious 5, because the ending before the credits involves the 3rd film & this fast & furious 6 which is clever because it leave it open for a 7Th film.Your notice a lot of comical moments special some of the Dwayne Johnson moments i laughed my head off but there's a few funny moments with Roman Pearce played by Tyrese Gibson,classic funny moment when he done something nearly took Dominic Toretto head off played by Vin Diesel , the way toretto didn't flinch & just looked at him was just priceless.Luke Evans playing Owen Shaw brilliantly Ive seen Luke Evans in a lot of other films he has this on screen presence which make him a brilliant actor,he was cold & ruthless in this film.Former MMA kick boxer & very gorgeous Gina Carano join the team with the rock she seriously kicks ass in this film but there is a twist in her storyline for the film which i wont say because your have to watch the film,but she is looking gorgeous.Dwayne Johnson man could that guy get any bigger,the guy is built like a brick sh*t house,its no wonder those 3 youths crapped themselves in London trying to break in to one of the studio vans which happen on the day of shooting a scene in England, London,but he was completely awesome in this film, i find him a brilliant actor not a lot of people like him but i think he the only one from the wrestle world to be a successful & brilliant actor because he's film just get better & better,special with the few comical moments he had in this film.Ludacris is just class in this film as well, make funny joke's special taking the piss out of Roman Pearce some side slipping sarcastic jokes.Vin Diesel & Paul Walker were at their best in this film the character relationship as got a lot stronger since Paul walkers character has Toretto grand son with his sister there you can see a good strong family bond between them.Michelle Rodriguez returns as Letty Ortiz which was cleverly put in this film as to why she was still alive which is revieled in this film. Along with a brilliant sound track, fast pace & intense action with car Chase's, tank crushing cars & just all out mayhem this is one film not to be missed special with the ending revealing some thing interesting.
Dislikes : i cant find a fault with this film to be honest because its well balance with comical humour & action.It also depend on the viewer some like this film where other don't,.
Overall : Fast pace action,intense scenes, just all out mayhem this is one film not to be missed,also you need to watch until the end before credits role as there is a scene at the end that reveals something interesting.
Rating: 5 out of 5 for entertainment/ 9.5 out of 10 for action & intense moments.

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